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Old 05-01-2007, 01:13 PM
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Speakers and preachers are not the same. C. L. Franklin was one of the greatest speakers of the 20th century in that black style and no one said he nor the rest are dumb. They are brilliant and gifted speakers NOT annointed preachers.
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Old 05-01-2007, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Speakers and preachers are not the same. C. L. Franklin was one of the greatest speakers of the 20th century in that black style and no one said he nor the rest are dumb. They are brilliant and gifted speakers NOT annointed preachers.
Here is Epley dancing with words again
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Old 05-01-2007, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Here is Epley dancing with words again
what part ?
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Old 05-01-2007, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
what part ?
Saying teaching and preachers are different. In general terms they are different, but he knows I mean them as the same office.
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Old 05-02-2007, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
No one is promoting him other than saying it was an awesome service. Bro. Price have you watched that service? You need to. It is on streamingfatih.com and it is awesome. But again by the way you do not determine who is saved or not. He is a part of a different denomination, but he has repented and obviously received the HG. I am not sure about the baptism formula, but no one can say that he was not ever baptized in Jesus name, except him and the guy that baptized him. GOD determines the salvation of the people on earth, not Bro. Price. That attitude is what give the u.cons the bad rap.
Originally Posted by Thad View Post
mega dittos

Okay, I want to make a point that may only make sense to me but here goes...or am I just asking a question...........anyway here goes....

How come............I hear preachers get up and blast those for fellowshipping with trinitarians and preaching them in their pulpits BUT many of the men that will blast you, they have others "unsaved" preachers in their pulpits??? If you believe a man is going to hell, why do you put him in your pulpit? Where am I coming from???

From this: I've been around long enough to have seen lots of junk. A preacher believes christmas is pagan and it's idol worship and you are sinning when you celebrate it...it's a heaven or hell issue....But this same preacher lets other men who celebrate the holiday preach in their pulpit.

A preacher believes that if you take wine for communion, you are in deep sin and it is heaven or hell...This same preacher believes that you are going to hell but puts the "wine for communion" preacher in his pulpit.

... you won't let a person preach for ya who has been double married but you let a pagan christmas celebrating preacher preach in your pulpit!!! help me understand all of this!

Okay, I know I am going to be blasted because these examples aren't in the same category as the trinitarian issue, but sin is sin.

BTW, this is stemmed from a personal experience that has nothing to do with anyone I know here!

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Old 05-02-2007, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
Saying teaching and preachers are different. In general terms they are different, but he knows I mean them as the same office.
Excuse me Ronald Reagan was speaker...... Rush Limbaugh is speaker.....
Zel Miller is a speaker...........

and there are religious speakers that are NOT God called annointed preachers.
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Old 05-02-2007, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Excuse me Ronald Reagan was speaker...... Rush Limbaugh is speaker.....
Zel Miller is a speaker...........

and there are religious speakers that are NOT God called annointed preachers.
Epley, you are a crazy old man. I just told you that when I said that I was meaning them as the exact same thing. There are teachers and preachers that the teacher can not preach and vicaversa. But what I am talking about is those that can do both. So you are excused
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Old 11-10-2007, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Speakers and preachers are not the same. C. L. Franklin was one of the greatest speakers of the 20th century in that black style and no one said he nor the rest are dumb. They are brilliant and gifted speakers NOT annointed preachers.
Very well said, brother. I don't know Paul Morton's spiritual status so I wont comment directly on him, but I do believe that many Apostolics are being bamboozled by the smooth words of gifted speakers who are really not called/ anointed by God.

I have been in sales for 10+ years, and have heard many sales gurus and motivational speakers who were not godly all, but were very gifted and effective in the delivery of words that resonate strongly with the hearers. Their oratorical skills allow them to deliver their message powerfully and authoritatively.

I'm convinced that if any of these men were to join a false-doctrine church, and decided to become a "preacher", within a fairly short time they'd be able to deliver effective, Biblically-based messages that would bless those who hear them, even if the "preachers" themselves were not called of God.

The Word of God has its own built-in anointing anyway;that, coupled with well crafted words and a 'powerful' delivery, would almost make one think such a preacher is "so anointed!", even if he's really not.

Indeed , some of these guys strike me as little more than gifted motivational speakers with a mike in one hand and a Bible in the other.
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I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 11-10-2007, 09:23 PM
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Old 11-12-2007, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
It's really hard to pin him down. to be honest i think he tries to appease both sides. his family is steeped in COGIC the roots run very Deep. I think Marvin's Grandfather was the first to start COGIC churches in Detroit which is one of their Major Hubs. Then on the other hand he preached Acts 238 at another conference. someone gave me the copy of the tape.
I think he might baptize in JN but I don't think it's mandatory like we believe.
paul morton is trinatarian im sure you realize
You are right. They believe in Salvation at confession, yet he REQURIES that you be baptized in Jesus' Name AND recieve the HG w/ tongues....but that isnt what "saves" you...just an obedience thing (the baptism). The way it is worded in thier announcements "bulletin" once was "If you have not been baptized since being saved please see Sister "so-in-so" to make arrangements to do so....". And they had "holy ghost" school on the calandar and when I asked what that was it was explained to me as what I would call old school "tarrying service" where you go and are taught what the HG baptism is, then pray for it until you recieve. He does teach the trinity. So it is definately a hodge-podge of his COGIC and PAW heritage.
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