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Old 04-25-2007, 11:05 PM

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I do not know of one scripture that divides the law into ceremonial and moral. Which division does the Sabbath fall under?
Old 04-25-2007, 11:05 PM

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I think so : )
Old 04-25-2007, 11:39 PM

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Where exactly does the Bible refer to a "spirit of homosexuality?" I think we need to focus on being as Bible-centered as possible when having discussions of this nature. Old-time Pentecostal lingo won't cut it.
Old 04-26-2007, 07:07 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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What I see, when I went to that web site is a man who came under demonic control. He left his wife and found him a male lover. He is in an abomination, and lest he repents, in Hell he shall lift up his eyes. Now, he dares think to rewrite the scriptures to make that which God hates acceptable. He is full of demonic power, and is in need of deliverance, plain and simple.
Old 04-26-2007, 07:33 AM
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Bro. Price,

You should post an article in the teacher's lounge where you work so all the sinners can get convicted!
Old 04-26-2007, 07:40 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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The teachers at my school know me real well, and we have some fun. We laugh and talk, but when it comes to holiness, though they may be lost, they know the right way of doing things.
Old 04-26-2007, 09:28 AM

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Originally Posted by Newman View Post
Chan- Your premise that "There is not even one passage of scripture that says some abominations (referring to things that are morally detestable, not to things that are ceremonially unclean) are more or less abominable than others" isn't true pertaining to the non-eternal consequences that flow from them.
So-called "non-eternal consequences" of sin are really irrelevant. This world is going to be destroyed and the only things that will remain are eternal things. Those of you who insist on focusing on such "non-eternal consequences" have your minds and hearts in this present world and not on the things of God (exactly because you are focused on so-called "non-eternal consequences"). This notion you have of some sins being worse than others is nothing more than that philosophy of the world called "moral relativity."

A reasonable person would concede that although of equal eternal consequence; it does appear that there were some distinctions made in Scripture pertaining to acts that were worth stoning someone over and ending marriages over.
Reasonable according to what standard? A worldly standard? The only reason you and others insist on differentiating among various sins is so that you can make your own pet sins seem to be not as bad as someone else's sins. It's an excuse for spewing venom from the pulpit concerning some sins while not speaking so much as a whisper from the pulpit concerning other sins. It's moral relativity.

Obviously, I don't have a Scripture that says "Some abominations are more or less abominable than others." However, you don't have a Scripture that says "All abominations are equal in the sight of God pertaining to the here and now."
Here and now is irrelevant. WE aren't OF this world, WE are of the kingdom of Heaven and ONLY that kingdom's values matter! It is worldly thinking that insists on saying some sins are worse than other sins.

I have never so far as I know; denied that the Bible is the absolute inspired, inerrant written revelation of God. I fully believe that it is the absolute standard of right and wrong.
You can't have both your moral relativism and an absolute standard of right and wrong.

Taking my cue from Michlow- Given that I don't see the abomination issue exactly as you do, are you now going to talk about my vile and wicked heart? [/quote]The fact of the matter is that you have no scriptural basis for your claim that some abominations (things that are morally detestable) are more abominable than others and, in holding your particular view, you are promoting a form of moral relativity. Moral relativity is a vile and wicked worldview that has no place whatsoever in the life of any Christian.
Old 04-26-2007, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
What I see, when I went to that web site is a man who came under demonic control. He left his wife and found him a male lover. He is in an abomination, and lest he repents, in Hell he shall lift up his eyes. Now, he dares think to rewrite the scriptures to make that which God hates acceptable. He is full of demonic power, and is in need of deliverance, plain and simple.
Preach it Bro...I actually believe this!

Blessings, Rhoni
Old 04-26-2007, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by brad2723 View Post
I'm the author of the article for those who are interested in having an intellectual conversation about it.
Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
Are you sure you're ready for that, Brad?

I don't think he knows what he has coming.. I plan to sit back and watch this one.

I'm impressed with Chan's posts on this subject.... nothing like experience to drive someone to really get a grasp on what the Bible really has to say about something.
Old 04-26-2007, 11:06 AM

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Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post

Your post is very insightful. I totally agree with your statement that one must submit themselves to Christ and have someone in their life to be accountable to during their journey of deliverance.

Truly, the spirit of homosexuality is very strong and many that are bound have been bound for many, many years. Earlier on this thread, it was mentioned that many that have fallen into this sin were molested as children.

Sadly, that is reality for many and injustice of that act becomes a very damaging obstacle to overcome. My heart grieves for those that except the lie that there is no other way but to walk in utter darkness and depravity.

I know that there are many that have been completely delivered from homosexuality and they have become living testimonies for those that want a way out.

Unfortunately, because of the stigma associated with this sin, they aren't at liberty to share their testimonies; therefore, the example of grace is hidden from those seeking their healing.

The word of God clearly states that there is hope for those struggling with homosexuality.

Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived(misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality.
Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.
And such some of you were (once). But you were washed clean (purified by a complete atonement for sin and made free from the guilt of sin), and you were consecrated (set apart, hallowed), and you were justified (pronounced righteous, by trusting) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit of our God. I Corinthians 6:9-11 The Amplified Bible

Just as many of us once fit in one or many of these categories we have the assurance that Jesus washed us clean and now we are no longer slave to those sins.

Much blessings to you.
The hope, of course, is for those who repent of their sins and put their trust in Christ.

Where I would disagree with your post is with this whole notion that homosexuality is a "spirit." Unless the Bible specifically identified it as a spirit (and it didn't), there is no spirit of homosexuality or (as some have said outside this forum) a demon of lesbianism. We tend to give too much power and credit to Satan and his minions.
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