Let’s just talk straight.
Many profess their value in the area of doctrine or principal is from the word of God. So they profess…
But you then chose to believe the words that are captured outside the word of God to denote your distain for celebrating the birth of the visible expression of the invisible God.
Because we are not commanded to celebrate the birth of Christ in scripture?
Yet, you chose to believe in writings that have no inspiration of God. They are not written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to reprove or rebuke us.
You make it clear you will not go outside the word of God to garnish a point that might break away at areas such as standards.
Many of the standards under the heading of holiness, which have no such commandment in scripture.
The bury Christmas crowd assure us that the celebration of Christmas is pagan.
Yet they garnish to appraise these writings as gospel from some hidden dark age.
Therefore or because of this.... do not celebrate the birth of Christ.
What would King David have done with the birth of Christ?
He danced in ritual like unto the pagan’s into the city as the Ark was brought back to Israel.
His wife even called him mad……
Christmas is more than just a day that we gather around with our families to enjoy fellowship, a meal, and some gifts.
Christmas is the powerful reality of the miracle of the Incarnation. It is the moment when Eternity stepped down into time (
Micah 5:2), when God emptied Himself and became both God and Man even to death on the cross (
Philippians 2:5-11).
It is the wonder of the perfect Son of God becoming flesh to bear our sins (
2 Corinthians 5:20-21;
Galatians 1:4; 2:20;
Hebrews 10:14;
1 Peter 2:24-25).
The wonder of Christmas is the reality that God's final Word (
Hebrews 1:1-2) became flesh and blood (
John 1:14) full of grace and truth (
John 1:17).
Immanuel: God with us.
My prayer is that the Church will stand in awe and wonder at the Incarnation and worship Jesus Christ for all that He is, has done, and all that He will do.
Jesus... the child, the healer, the one that overcame the battle with Satan. The one who overcame the Grave, the one ascended back to the Throne…
He will return in power soon (
Acts 1:11;
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) and I long to see Him (
1 John 3:1-3). May the world come to see that only Jesus can bring true peace (
Isaiah 9:6-7).
You can stand before Christ and explain that when you had a chance to show the world you reveranced the birth of your saviour, king and God.
You chose to quote ancient scripts and get pushed aside because you are afraid of non-living pagan idols.