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Old 11-17-2008, 08:24 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by IsolatedSaint View Post
The controlled opposition of the mainstream media FoxNews loved Bush. Well disagreeing about temperatures causing steel to melt and the like doesn't address the REAL ISSUE and that's the mainstream media's official lie that muslim terrorists caused 9-11, that Al Queda caused 9-11.
What evidence do you have there were not Islamic Terrorists? Do you think there is no Islamic threat to our nation?
And what about WTC 7 that wasn't hit by a plane but collapsed on its own around 5 PM the same day.....
It took damage from falling debris

what about that? Sounds like a Larry Silverstein inside job to me.
You post a lot of sound bites, but nothing of substance...this is another example.

And what about all the airline stocks that were shorted during the days leading up to 9-11.
IF they were....what about it? Can you prove they were? By now most of us already realize you are hard on sound bites and assertions and short on evidence

Sounds like a George HW Bush and the Carlyle Group inside job to me
Another sound bite...so again you are asserting here that HW Bush and some "group" orchestrated ALL of this...no witnesses to the setting of all those explosives and setting them off? Let me ask you...what made the upper floors suddenly drop onto the floor below? Explosives? You ever think that the initial fireball explosion would have either set off some or all of any explosives on the floor the Jetliner crashed into? It would have had to have fallen almost immediately, and do to some explosives probably going off before others the upper half would have had to have fallen OVER to the side rather than straight down.

So WHO flew those 4 airlines? Where they full of the passengers the Media says there were on them?

Keep believing the Zionist media.....
Ah...the ugly truth finally comes out...though I hinted at it earlier. Yes those zionist pigs. You hate jews? Oh wait let me guess...you believe the lie that all the jews in the WTC towers got advanced warning and left? Right? Jews control the world....There are no Islamics at work doing bad things...right? You probably read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and accept it as fact...right? No wonder you don't have any facts to provide.
it's evident sir that you are a respecter of persons because you choose to believe Mainstream Media whores that make 7 and in some cases 8 figures a year, and you sir despise the poor and downtrodden whose correct, informed opinions you despise and choose to make mockery of.
It's evident that you have bought hook line and sinker into the delusional world of anti-semetic conspiracy nutjobs who never bothered to research the facts. You just accept anything posted on any conspiracy website. And if anyone despises anyone it is you who rather than support his delusional claims with fact filled arguments resorts to ad hominems and emotive histrionics.

Tell me oh downtroded informed one....did Obama really win the election? I mean, the zionist controlled media says he did, but according to you they can't be trusted. Maybe 911 never even happened since it was the zionist controlled media that reported it...probably paid off all the witnesses too since they have trillions of dollars to work with...right?

You are a lover and an applauder of the rich people and there hollywood scripted opinions.
You hate jews. Is your hair all shaved off? Nazi Skin head? What are you? You think you know me so well that I applaud the rich lol....just because I don't hate them, like you do, does not mean I am a lover of them. You are truely blind...blinded by your own hatred for anyone with an opinion different than yours. Anyone that dares question your delusional conspiracy nutjobs you worship. Your position lacks understanding. Your position lacks evidence...that or you are just to unable to make a coherent argument.

You need to reread James 2:1-9 and realize that you, sir, are in sin and you are a transgressor and you need to repent.
Au Contraire my little friend, you need to get some meds fast to control your paranoid delusions or ask God to heal you of it...then when you are in your right mind then try condemning me to hell. Remember the huge beam you have in your eye...oh wait...aluminum foil hat covering it so the zionist pig mind rays don't zap you?

I really never expected anything better than your histrionic rants....search it yourself HAHAHAHA....I did that. I searched and read through all this conspiracy garbage ON the net, NOT from the so called zionist media...

Do I think Bush and others in upper places are innocent? No, as I said Bush is a lower rung fruit. IF there is any conspiracy it is at a level much higher. Was it the zionists? LOL...no that is disinformation sold to mush brained idiots unable to really think for themselves.

Have a nice day
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Old 11-17-2008, 08:26 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post

Don't waist your breath here, some people will never accept the TRUE facts!!!!

See you on the other side!
Ignorance is bliss. Enjoy.
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Old 11-17-2008, 08:37 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist and I have stayed out of that aspect of the thread. However, since you all have been discussing this and suggesting some searches, I checked a few things out. At this point I don't believe it was an inside job, but I can see where this thing has grown legs. Interestingly, little bits like this do not help.

It's not hard to make polemic arguments, twist the facts, hide the truth, to make one story look different. Michael Moore did that...he reported facts, but he conveniently ignored other facts that change the story. People do that when they have an agenda.

I personally think it was arabs that did it. There were real air lines and real people on them and in those towers. I also personally believe it was very possible someone in upper government or even higher (you have to ask) knew about it but squashed the warnings. I can tell you why too and get facts or evidences. One of them was that an FBI field agent did in fact discover suspicious evidence of Islamics training to fly those things, told her superiors and nothing was done...and if I recall THAT was reported by the zionist scum controlled media (sarcasm).

Do I believe there are conspiracies? Yes. Do I believe everything that every nut on the internet says is a conspiracy is one? No..in fact of all these so called conspiracy nuts a lot of them disagree on a number of areas...Let's see...it was not airlines...it was a missile...no it was a radio controlled airline...no it was a radio controlled military jet...never mind that nobody saw a green cargo jet slam into the towers and never mind how hard a jet liner would be to fly by wire and hit the towers that accurately.

In order for a conspiracy to be a conspiracy it requires very FEW people directly involved and it demands a very low profile. 911 was way too huge a public event for there not to be witnesses to the planting of demo charges and wiring etc etc..

Mistakes were made, but mistakes do not a conspiracy make....unless you are a paranoid delusional person already inclined to believe in such things.

A much BETTER scenerio would be the one I gave...years of bad foreign policy has cultivated deep seated hate for the US in the minds of many Islamics. They bombed us in Lebanon...which BTW was a Christian nation until the Islamics took over...took over because fools said there was no threat. They kidnapped Israeli atheletes and murdered them. They blew up our embassies. They blew up the USS Cole. They tried to blow up the WTC back in the 90s. They hijacked a cruise liner and killed people. They bombed a discoteq in Bali. IF there was any insider conspiracy it was their willingness to allow these fanatics to knowingly be in the country, train here and board these planes with little security check. That's how I would do it if I were so inclined.
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Old 11-17-2008, 08:39 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post

Don't waist your breath here, some people will never accept the TRUE facts!!!!

See you on the other side!
You want us to believe these are true facts, but you have not presented facts. You've presented your ideological views and opinions in the form of sound bytes with absolutely NO evidence presented whatsoevber..in fact you guys make excuses when asked to present the evidence...yet you expect us to just accept what you said is true because you said so
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  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 11-17-2008, 08:48 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
The Top Five 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked:

Nice try but everyone knows youtube is under the control of Zionist Jewish bankers...good grief.
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Old 11-17-2008, 08:51 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
I just love it when people's true colors shine thru!

With every post, you've lost a bit more credibility, now you're just a joke.
Truth spoken.
George - as in curious
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Old 11-17-2008, 09:08 PM
HappyTown HappyTown is offline

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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
You want us to believe these are true facts, but you have not presented facts. You've presented your ideological views and opinions in the form of sound bytes with absolutely NO evidence presented whatsoevber..in fact you guys make excuses when asked to present the evidence...yet you expect us to just accept what you said is true because you said so
Like I said, unless you do the foot work, it's a waist of time! Otherwise it's like trying to tell someone standards is not a heaven or hell deal! They just can't accept anything, other then what they been sold!
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Old 11-17-2008, 09:14 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Nice try but everyone knows youtube is under the control of Zionist Jewish bankers...good grief.
In addition, those people were paid to do the acting on YouTube!
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Old 11-17-2008, 09:17 PM
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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post
Like I said, unless you do the foot work, it's a waist of time! Otherwise it's like trying to tell someone standards is not a heaven or hell deal! They just can't accept anything, other then what they been sold!
and like I said already a couple times...I DID THE FOOTWORK..and found your view wanting...but as I said if you want to do more than sound like someone that doesn't know why he believes what he does and tells others they are going to hell (your friend did), then back up your assertions. What you say is not true just because you say it is true over and over...it's very suspicious on your part that you both refuse to have a logical and intelligent discussion surrounding facts and instead resort to sound bites, histrionics and ad hominem arguments. If you already know ahead of time we won't accept anything...why do you two keep ranting here about what you believe is true? Talk about a conspiracy lol....hmmm who are you really? a spy from CIA? Nazi skin head recruiter pretending to be a Christian? DO I need facts for that? NO, just go do the footwork yourself.
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 11-17-2008, 09:25 PM
HappyTown HappyTown is offline

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Re: Something is Happening of Historic Proportions

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
and like I said already a couple times...I DID THE FOOTWORK..and found your view wanting...but as I said if you want to do more than sound like someone that doesn't know why he believes what he does and tells others they are going to hell (your friend did), then back up your assertions. What you say is not true just because you say it is true over and over...it's very suspicious on your part that you both refuse to have a logical and intelligent discussion surrounding facts and instead resort to sound bites, histrionics and ad hominem arguments. If you already know ahead of time we won't accept anything...why do you two keep ranting here about what you believe is true? Talk about a conspiracy lol....hmmm who are you really? a spy from CIA? Nazi skin head recruiter pretending to be a Christian? DO I need facts for that? NO, just go do the footwork yourself.
I'm not trying to win anyone over! My point is this, GOVERNMENT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!

Besides lets be real, if we all agreed, this forum would not be as much fun otherwise....
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