Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
I can not remember the baptism as much as I can the night I got the HG. I had already accepted Jesus into my life and He did change me, but when I go the HG I was 6 and I had been in church playing with hotwheel cars and other toys. During altar service I went to look for my brother who was up there. I was not able to find him. Mind you I was 6 and a small guy. One of the elders asked me if I had received the HG before and I answered I was not sure, but thought I had because I accepted Jesus in my life. He and others prayed for me and about 1 hour or so later I came too sitting on the front row on the church and they told me what had happend. I do not remember the speaking in tongues part, but I could feel the affects of it. Still one of the greatest days in my life.
Great story... I was actually playing (writing/coloring) on the pew that night while others were in the altar praying. My sunday school teacher came (male) asked me if I wanted to pray... well, I went down front where everyone was praying, started to pray...and I don't remember much after that other than when I came around, I had spoken in tongues and all the other kids had too... I remember the feeling...but really this experience is something that I grew up with.
Thank God for those people in church who do encourage kids to pray and receive the experience.
As a mom, it was wonderful to see my kids recieve the Holy Ghost... I always encouraged them to pray just as we did.
I don't remember when my oldest got it... she always prayed..if you questioned her, she would tell you she had the Holy Ghost. I looked down and saw her speaking in tongues one night in church... I turned to her father and said "Elaine is speaking in tongues" I never recorded the date.. lol
Next daughter Jaci got the Holy Ghost at 2.9 years old...the youngest I have ever seen get it.. no prompting...she wanted to be baptized.. I just told her she couldn't without the Holy Ghost..thinking it would buy some time....nope..she wanted baptized... she lifted her hands and began to pray and the anointing fell...she spoke in tongues for 25 min... long enough so everyone there that night could listen to her.... she never opened her eyes... tears just ran down her cheeks... it was amazing. First question out of her mouth was "now can I be baptized?".
My baby got the Holy Ghost and was baptized at about age 7 in a children's revival.. first time she ever spoke in tongues though was praying w/me in our living room when she was 6... she claimed the experience at children's revival a year later.