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Old 03-06-2008, 10:05 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Alter Ego View Post
I have a feeling we are not hearing the entire story.

On it's face, this is very alarming.
I feel the same way! I would be interested to hear the other side's story!

On face value, It is unbelievable that the judge would prefer the child to live:

1. Away from her mother. There usually has to be a strong case to take a child away from her mother. Normally it takes drug or sexual abuse!

2. With the father under the conditions of neglect mentioned in the video.

Remember that not only was this the opinion of the local judge, but his decision was upheld all the way the the state supreme court. I'm telling you, part of this story is missing!!!
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:08 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
CA courts just ruled that you can no longer home school your children if you are not credentialed to teach school.

I agree with this. I've seen too many children not get the education they need and deserve. The parents were well-meaning but not disciplined or educated enough to help their children. Now, I know this sounds biased, and it may be...but I have seen too many carbon copies of Mom and Dad who live off the sytem or off the church who could not hold down a secular job if their life depended on it.
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:14 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

From my own personal experience. I had a very good attorney; a female who was a Quaker. She warned me that the 'religious' divorces are the worst and play the dirtiest.

I was taken to court 7 times in one year as my ex sued me for custody of the children. My children and I attended a UPCI church and my children went to the Christian School at this church. My ex, who used to be a UPCI Pastor [15 years] used the church factor against me, as well as the Christian school. He is still an Apostolic preacher though not UPCI.

The judge always ruled in my favor. Thank God for some judges who recognize true Christianity from the facade. Not all judges are against religious freedom, and not all men are jerks, although some are
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:25 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
I feel the same way! I would be interested to hear the other side's story!

On face value, It is unbelievable that the judge would prefer the child to live:

1. Away from her mother. There usually has to be a strong case to take a child away from her mother. Normally it takes drug or sexual abuse!

2. With the father under the conditions of neglect mentioned in the video.

Remember that not only was this the opinion of the local judge, but his decision was upheld all the way the the state supreme court. I'm telling you, part of this story is missing!!!

Such is the nature of family law. I have found letters my children wrote for their Dad what they ate for supper and what their Mom spent his child support on. The other parent always accuses the other of abuse or neglect.

I remember my son having his two front teeth knocked out when falling from a bunk bed on our hardwood floors. They were his permanent teeth and had to be wired back in. They stuck straight out. I took my ex to court several times as he refused to pay his share of the orthodontia bill. His attorney claimed it was 'cosmetic'.

People would be surprised if they truly knew the stories told in a sequestered court of law. The lawyers get rich on the revenge of angry and embittered ex spouses. The only winners are the attorneys.

The victims are the children.
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:26 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
I feel the same way! I would be interested to hear the other side's story!

On face value, It is unbelievable that the judge would prefer the child to live:

1. Away from her mother. There usually has to be a strong case to take a child away from her mother. Normally it takes drug or sexual abuse!

2. With the father under the conditions of neglect mentioned in the video.

Remember that not only was this the opinion of the local judge, but his decision was upheld all the way the the state supreme court. I'm telling you, part of this story is missing!!!
As was posted earlier, the father has had primary custody since Libby was 6, nearly six years. The mother still has custody 40% of the time. So the child was not taken from the mother. The judge initially listed part of the reason for the primary custody being to the father as being mom and step dad spending so much time abroad on mission trips.

As to the video: Having been a prosecutor I have come across many cases of the child being coached and even false memories implanted. (Which watching this video cannot be 100% ruled out).

On the other hand I have also come across unbelievable stupidity on part of certain child protective agencies as far as not fulfilling their duty to defend the child!!!!!!

Having been involved in dozens of these type cases (from the criminal/juvenile side) my gut sides with the mom. However, once custody has been established it is very very difficult to change.
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:26 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
I agree with this. I've seen too many children not get the education they need and deserve. The parents were well-meaning but not disciplined or educated enough to help their children. Now, I know this sounds biased, and it may be...but I have seen too many carbon copies of Mom and Dad who live off the sytem or off the church who could not hold down a secular job if their life depended on it.
I agree. Maybe there should be a required benchmark administered by a homeschool association.

I must say that almost all homeschooled children that I have met are at a higher intelligence level than public school children of the same age and grade.
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:31 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
As was posted earlier, the father has had primary custody since Libby was 6, nearly six years. The mother still has custody 40% of the time. So the child was not taken from the mother. The judge initially listed part of the reason for the primary custody being to the father as being mom and step dad spending so much time aboard on mission trips.

As to the video: Having been a prosecutor I have come across many cases of the child being coached and even false memories implanted. (Which watching this video cannot be 100% ruled out).

On the other hand I have also come across unbelievable stupidity on part of certain child protective agencies as far as not fulfilling their duty to defend the child!!!!!!

Having been involved in dozens of these type cases (from the criminal/juvenile side) my gut sides with the mom. However, once custody has been established it is very very difficult to change.
Bro. Griffin,

It is my understanding that in order to change custody one has to show a substantial change; i.e., grades dropping, acting out, proven abuse, or relocation.

I agree, once custody has been decided it is difficult to change. Thank-you for your expertise as an attorney.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:35 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
I agree. Maybe there should be a required benchmark administered by a homeschool association.

I must say that almost all homeschooled children that I have met are at a higher intelligence level than public school children of the same age and grade.

I like that idea of a 'benchmark' administered to parents wishing to homeschool. The success of homeschooling is as much about the parents as the children. More intelligent children are capable of working and learning primarily on their own. Some need much more hands on teaching and learning through following examples.

Sorry if I broad-brushed the issue. I know there are some very successful homeschooled young people.

Blessings, Rhonda
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:39 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by James Griffin View Post
As was posted earlier, the father has had primary custody since Libby was 6, nearly six years. The mother still has custody 40% of the time. So the child was not taken from the mother. The judge initially listed part of the reason for the primary custody being to the father as being mom and step dad spending so much time aboard on mission trips.

As to the video: Having been a prosecutor I have come across many cases of the child being coached and even false memories implanted. (Which watching this video cannot be 100% ruled out).

On the other hand I have also come across unbelievable stupidity on part of certain child protective agencies as far as not fulfilling their duty to defend the child!!!!!!

Having been involved in dozens of these type cases (from the criminal/juvenile side) my gut sides with the mom. However, once custody has been established it is very very difficult to change.
Griffmiester, I missed your post before I wrote my post. This case puzzles me.

I'm trying to think why a judge would take a child away from a mother just because she was religious, and for that opinion be upheld by higher courts.

I'm thinking that when the mother had custody, she didn't allow the father his rights by not allowing the daughter to spend much time with her. The daughter went with them on numerous missions trips, so she was rarely available to spend time with her father. This may have been documented by the father.

All I know is that I would be really upset if my ex-wife kept my child away from me in direct defiance of a court order! If she defied a court order for visitation, she rightfully lost custody of the girl!

Of course I'm speculating here!
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Old 03-06-2008, 10:48 PM
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Re: Too Religious to Keep Her Daughter: Are you ne

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post

I like that idea of a 'benchmark' administered to parents wishing to homeschool. The success of homeschooling is as much about the parents as the children. More intelligent children are capable of working and learning primarily on their own. Some need much more hands on teaching and learning through following examples.

Sorry if I broad-brushed the issue. I know there are some very successful homeschooled young people.

Blessings, Rhonda
In Nashville, I am involved in piano and other instrumental competitions and auditions. Almost all of the top performers are home schooled!
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