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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 03-01-2008, 03:29 AM
Minister_WD Minister_WD is offline
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Western District Conference Controversy

The Western District Conference, scheduled in May has been moved to another location. The Pastor of the church where District Conference was originally to be held is on the General Council of the WPF. However, the Bishop of the church is remaining UPC.

What should the District do in this situation? Did they make the right move?

With the recent decision handed down by the General Board, the WD appears to have every right to move the conference.

Some in the District feel that this was a wrong move, and have appealed to Headquarters. There is a lot of pressure for the District to move the conference back to its original location.
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Old 03-01-2008, 07:39 AM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

Originally Posted by Minister_WD View Post
The Western District Conference, scheduled in May has been moved to another location. The Pastor of the church where District Conference was originally to be held is on the General Council of the WPF. However, the Bishop of the church is remaining UPC.

What should the District do in this situation? Did they make the right move?

With the recent decision handed down by the General Board, the WD appears to have every right to move the conference.

Some in the District feel that this was a wrong move, and have appealed to Headquarters. There is a lot of pressure for the District to move the conference back to its original location.
I wasn't going to say anything about this subject but since it has now been posted, here are a few more bits of information for you to consider:
1. The pastor, in question, did not attend the conference in Tulsa.
2. The WD officials did not contact said pastor about the changes. Others told him.
3. Because of the way it was handled the pastor doesn't want the Conference there.
4. This pastor, as well as others, is considering going independent because of the actions and confusion being created by both sides. [ UPCI and WPF ]
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Old 03-01-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

Originally Posted by Raven View Post
I wasn't going to say anything about this subject but since it has now been posted, here are a few more bits of information for you to consider:
1. The pastor, in question, did not attend the conference in Tulsa.
2. The WD officials did not contact said pastor about the changes. Others told him.
3. Because of the way it was handled the pastor doesn't want the Conference there.
4. This pastor, as well as others, is considering going independent because of the actions and confusion being created by both sides. [ UPCI and WPF ]
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Old 03-03-2008, 11:47 AM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

Originally Posted by ReformedDave View Post
And how is the mighty Miles?
He has nothing to do with this discussion.
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Old 03-03-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

Originally Posted by Raven View Post
I wasn't going to say anything about this subject but since it has now been posted, here are a few more bits of information for you to consider:
1. The pastor, in question, did not attend the conference in Tulsa.
2. The WD officials did not contact said pastor about the changes. Others told him.
3. Because of the way it was handled the pastor doesn't want the Conference there.
4. This pastor, as well as others, is considering going independent because of the actions and confusion being created by both sides. [ UPCI and WPF ]

Raven, I agree with your assessments. This whole situation makes me want to bang my head up against the wall. This is a snapshot of the state of the WD, I am seriously starting to doubt whether we will have a district left when the dust finally settles. Such a monumental waste.
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
Raven, I agree with your assessments. This whole situation makes me want to bang my head up against the wall. This is a snapshot of the state of the WD, I am seriously starting to doubt whether we will have a district left when the dust finally settles. Such a monumental waste.
Next year, about this time, I have a name in mind, that you might be familiar with, who possibly could put things back on track. This person would be crazy to take on the headache but it probably is the answer. It may take awhile, but I'll just patiently wait, until everyone else catches up with my discernment.


Do I have anything to say from about 2400 miles away? Yes, 8 little reasons that live in the NorCal District. My Grandkids!
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:50 PM
Minister_WD Minister_WD is offline
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

Originally Posted by Raven View Post
Next year, about this time, I have a name in mind, that you might be familiar with, who possibly could put things back on track. This person would be crazy to take on the headache but it probably is the answer. It may take awhile, but I'll just patiently wait, until everyone else catches up with my discernment.


Do I have anything to say from about 2400 miles away? Yes, 8 little reasons that live in the NorCal District. My Grandkids!
It seems that there are many others in the district who have this name in mind as well. AA may end up being a one term DS.
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Old 03-03-2008, 05:18 PM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

Originally Posted by Raven View Post
Next year, about this time, I have a name in mind, that you might be familiar with, who possibly could put things back on track. This person would be crazy to take on the headache but it probably is the answer. It may take awhile, but I'll just patiently wait, until everyone else catches up with my discernment.


Do I have anything to say from about 2400 miles away? Yes, 8 little reasons that live in the NorCal District. My Grandkids!
I don't have a lot to say about that, nobody asks my opinion on these things (I don't know why, I think I'm brilliant!). But if they did, yes, I think crazy is the first word that comes to mind.

I think there would have to be a mighty hand of God, very evident for all to see. A lot of factors would come into play.

To be very fair, it is not an easy job in the very best of times, and this last year has been about the furthest thing from the best of times that anyone could have imagined.

I don't know if anyone could have dealt with all of this and made the best decisions all the time, and made everybody happy (that will never happen, trust me.)

I guess the best plan is to pray for God's will and His hand on everyone involved. (I think they should ask me, I have done such a GREAT job with my own life, I could straighten everybody out! EXTREME TIC!)
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Old 03-03-2008, 10:15 PM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

If the Western district and Nationanl UPC had not been eat up with worldliness in the form of video screens, colored lights, contemporary music, and motions while singing this whole thing could have been avoided.

Apparently the concession to the ultra cons to not allow short sleeves at Youth Camp was just not enough of a bone.
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Old 03-04-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: Western District Conference Controversy

"If the Western district and Nationanl UPC had not been eat up with worldliness in the form of video screens, colored lights, contemporary music, and motions while singing this whole thing could have been avoided."

CC1, it's interesting that NW, one of the founders of the WPF, certainly uses video screens and contemporary music. While I have not observed colored lights and motions while singing, I strongly suspect those to also reside within his realm of control.

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