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Old 03-08-2007, 06:37 PM
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Sister Alvear Sister Alvear is offline
Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
Posts: 27,033
Home again

Back Home…Sitting propped up in the bed and typing this letter to you homeland folks…Have had lots of pain today but that comes with surgery.

I had suffered so long with gall bladder problems but overcoming the fear of these hospitals has been a battle here in the northeast.
Finally my doctor told me if you do not have the surgery when you want it, it will be too late. So I knew I could not wait any longer..

Thank the Lord and thank all you praying folks it seems the worst is over! I was in surgery a little over 3 hours them a little while in observation…between it all I was gone from my room a little over 5 hours.

One of my little sweet nurses told me she had a miscarriage not to long ago and I got to share with her how our daughter Becky had a miscarriage also and how God comforts broken hearts. I could still see she was heartbroken. I told her I would have my friends pray for her. She is a little catholic girl and was so sweet and kind to me. Her name is Olivia.

All went well in the surgery once they had to give me oxygen as my blood pressure went very high but they really expected that and were prepared.

Those of you who are my close friends know I hate the hospitals here in the northeast because they are so dirty and on and on…

This one was not much different but I felt the peace of the Lord and the prayers of His people giving me strength. The hospital where I had breast surgery was so dirty but this operating room was cleaner but it was hot. I looked at their monitor that should have been dusted days ago and wondered why doctors would work with such dirty equipment. This morning I asked the doctor if I could come home and he said yes after I told him we had two nurses that are members of our church and they would look after me…

I often think of something I once read and copied down and will share with you: A missionary in Africa was once asked if he really like what he was doing. His response was shocking. “Do I like this work?” he said. “No. My wife and I do not like dirt. We do not like crawling into vile huts through goat refuse….but are we to do nothing for Christ we do not like? God have pity, if not. Liking or disliking has nothing to do with it. We have orders to ‘Go,’ and we go. Love constrains us.” In times of trial and testing, only our love for and commitment to Christ can strengthen us to go on. [“A Service of Love,” INFOsearch, Illy]. Albert Schweitzer is quoted as saying, “The only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found a way to serve.” [quoted in Group, Jul/Aug 1998, p. 51].

Some things may be harder on our flesh to serve God on the mission field but it is worth it all. My house has been swarming with saints as word got out fast I was back home. Bless them…some brought bowls of soup, others bought this or that but the main thing that impressed me was their love….not only their love but the many that have called Brother Alvear to let him know they were praying for me. Thank the Lord for my wonderful husband and family.

One of the church little boys just came over with his Skip bo cards and told me he had come to cheer me up so pain and all we just played a game…I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings as he just might be a preacher someday.

I really love the mission field it is my whole life, dirty hospitals and whatever. I am deeply thankful to God that He visited me as a child and called me to be a missionary. I have never lost the wonder that He would call me to the mission field.

YOU homeland supporters are some of God’s most noble people for without your help we could not see the great things our eyes behold…thank you for loving enough to give thank you for praying for those you have never meet.

Thanks once again for your prayers and we hope to see some of you in the Nashville convention!
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