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Old 11-30-2007, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by scotty View Post
Yes he did raise taxes on retail items, but lowered taxes on income.
That is his overall tax plan, to lower your wage taxes way down and just have a set tax on retail items. You get to keep all of your paycheck and just pay taxes when you purchase something. Wonder how well it works?
We are enjoying a 1.3 billion dollar surplus. Of course we have a Democrat for governor now so that will be gone in a year or so.

As for the creation question I thought that was kind of dumb really. What does his views on creation have to do with his political ability to be president? How come nobody asked Hillary what she believed concerning creation? Guess Gore created everything right before he created the internet. I Blitzer was asking a religious or moral question in a political setting just to put him on the spot. Here is a thought, lets ask Hillary how she feels concerning lying and cheating or adultry.
My friend Pressing On posted his on GNC yesterday. very interesting and helps me lean more towards Mike H even more.

Mike Huckabee is a Fiscal Conservative
By Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

As Mike Huckabee rises in the polls, an inevitable process of vetting him for conservative credentials is under way in which people who know nothing of Arkansas or of the circumstances of his governorship weigh in knowingly about his record. As his political consultant in the ea rly ’90s and one who has been following Arkansas politics for 30 years, let me clue you in: Mike Huckabee is a fiscal conservative.

A recent column by Bob Novak excoriated Huckabee for a “47 percent increase in state tax burden.” But during Huckabee’s years in office, total state tax burden — all 50 states combined — rose by twice as much: 98 percent, increasing from $743 billion in 1993 to $1.47 trillion in 2005.

In Arkansas, the income tax when he took office was 1 percent for the poorest taxpayers and 7 percent for the richest, exactly where it stood when he left the statehouse 11 years later. But, in the interim, he doubled the standard deduction and the child care credit, repealed capital gains taxes for home sales, lowered the capital gains rate, expanded the homestead exemption and set up tax-free savings accounts for medical care and college tuition.

Most impressively, when he had to pass an income tax surcharge amid the drop in revenues after Sept. 11, 2001, he repealed it three years later when he didn’t need it any longer.

He raised the sales tax one cent in 11 years and did that only after the courts ordered him to do so. (He also got voter approval for a one-eighth-of-one-cent hike for parks and recreation.)
He wants to repeal the income tax, abolish the IRS and institute a “fair tax” based on consumption, and opposes any tax increase for Social Security.

And he can win in Iowa.

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Old 11-30-2007, 11:01 AM

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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
well, as prolife as RP is, I dont consider him a Republican running for president. He is a Liberatarian running for president and he and I have the same chance of getting elected...(thank God.)
I'm still not going to support anyone I disagree with, no matter what their "chances" are. As I stated in another thread, I view my vote as my personal endorsement, and will not give it to anyone that I don't feel has earned it. No matter how "popular" they are.
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Titus2Mom View Post
I'm still not going to support anyone I disagree with, no matter what their "chances" are. As I stated in another thread, I view my vote as my personal endorsement, and will not give it to anyone that I don't feel has earned it. No matter how "popular" they are.
I think that is a great way of looking at it.

2 things though, loosing on principle is still a loss (and a loss means another 3 Ruth Bader Ginsburgs on the supreme court) and Ron Paul's view of the constitution is without context.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 11-30-2007, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Titus2Mom View Post
I'm still not going to support anyone I disagree with, no matter what their "chances" are. As I stated in another thread, I view my vote as my personal endorsement, and will not give it to anyone that I don't feel has earned it. No matter how "popular" they are.
Originally Posted by Ferd
2 things though, loosing on principle is still a loss (and a loss means another 3 Ruth Bader Ginsburgs on the supreme court) and Ron Paul's view of the constitution is without context.
Ferd is right, what good is a prolife President if he appoints moderate judges to the bench that overturn what you believe? Thats the thing about politics, you can't look at the person, you have to look at the big picture.
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Old 12-07-2007, 10:57 AM
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Huckabee in 2nd Place in GOP Race

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Old 12-08-2007, 07:37 AM
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I think that once the Dumond case starts making national headlines and the other candidates start picking up on it, Huckabee is going to be dead in the water. There's been a few articles and reports on it so far, but nothing like there will be closer to the primaries.
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Old 12-08-2007, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Money may or may not carry the day. Romeny has more than anyone on the R side and he is getting beat by a broke arkansas governor.

Huckabee as Governor, raised taxes several times and worked to give illegals, legal ID cards.
On Abortion, he is the only really solid Pro-Life candidate.
In the time that Huckabee served as Governor taxes went up less then a penny. In fact, taxes in the state of Arkansas was much lower across the board when he left than when he came. As far as I;D cards for illegals, this is the first I have heard of this and I have been following Huckabee for awhile as well as politics.

If you want to know about Huckabee read below. He was in fact one of the best Governors ever to serve.

Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas is recognized as a national leader in the areas of education reform and health care reform. Huckabee is the chairman of the Education Commission of the States, a highly respected education policy organization. He will lead the ECS until July 2006. The ECS helps governors, legislators, state education officials and others identify, develop and implement public policies to improve student learning at all levels. The organization, which is based in Denver, was formed in 1965.

Arkansas' ACTAAP system is widely hailed as one of the nation's best school accountability programs. Huckabee has pushed through reforms in Arkansas that have significantly expanded the availability of college scholarships, increased the number of charter schools and established new approaches to workforce education. His Smart Start initiative placed a heavy emphasis on reading and mathematics for students from kindergarten through the fourth grade. He then created Smart Step, a similar emphasis for students from the fifth through the eighth grades. Student scores on standardized tests have risen steadily since the creation of Smart Start and Smart Step.

Huckabee became governor in July 1996 when his predecessor resigned. He was one of the youngest governors in the country at the time. Huckabee first was elected lieutenant governor in a 1993 special election and was elected to a full four-year term in 1994. He was only the fourth Republican to be elected to statewide office since Reconstruction. Huckabee was elected to a full four-year term as governor in 1998, attracting the largest percentage of the vote ever received by a Republican gubernatorial nominee in Arkansas, and was re-elected to another four-year term in November 2002. He's now the second longest-serving governor in the country.

In addition to his education reform efforts, Huckabee has been a leader in improving health care for Arkansans. He created the ARKids First program, a nationally recognized initiative that provides health insurance to tens of thousands of children who previously had no access to health insurance. He also led a ballot initiative in 2000 that devotes all of the state's tobacco settlement money to improving the health of Arkansans. He recently announced the Healthy Arkansas initiative to encourage Arkansans to stop smoking, exercise more and eat healthier. Huckabee's efforts to improve his own health have received national attention. Diagnosed with Type II diabetes in 2003, he lost 110 pounds. In March 2005, Huckabee completed the Little Rock Marathon. The Road Runners Club of America named him its Southern Region Runner of the Year, and he was named USA Track & Field's Athlete of the Week for the country. Huckabee's fourth book, "Quit Digging Your Grave With A Knife And Fork," will be released by Time Warner Book Group in May 2005.

In 1996 during his first months in office, Huckabee led the fight for Amendment 75 to the Arkansas Constitution. The amendment created a sales tax of one-eighth of a cent that benefits the state Department of Parks and Tourism, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the state Department of Heritage and the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission. Proceeds from the amendment have allowed Arkansas to build the finest system of state parks in the country along with a system of state-of-the-art nature centers operated by the Game and Fish Commission. The first of those nature centers at Pine Bluff was named after the governor in recognition of his conservation efforts. Huckabee, a noted outdoorsman, was honored in 1997 as the American Sportfishing Association Man of the Year and was inducted in 2000 to the Arkansas Outdoor Hall of Fame.

Huckabee also has become known nationally for his focus on technology in state government. He created an automobile license renewal system that's a model for states across the country. He has supported other advancements that have made Arkansas a technology leader among the states. Brown University recognized Arkansas for being first in the country in on-line services.

Many Arkansans also have come to know Huckabee as the "highway governor." That's because he developed and led the campaign for a 1999 bond issue to totally rehabilitate the state's system of crumbling interstate highways. Arkansas is now in the midst of the largest road construction project in its history.

Huckabee, a fiscal conservative, pushed through the Arkansas Legislature the first major, broad-based tax cuts in state history. He led efforts to establish a Property Taxpayers' Bill of Rights and created a welfare reform program that reduced the welfare rolls in the state by almost 50 percent.

The governor is a noted speaker and author. He has given speeches on politics and public policy to groups across the country and around the world. He's a regular guest on national television and radio shows, discussing issues of importance to the states. In the fall of 1997, his book "Character Is The Issue" was released by Broadman & Holman. The book chronicles Huckabee's political career and discusses the importance of character in politics and life. The following year, Broadman & Holman released "Kids Who Kill," a book that addresses the issue of juvenile violence. His third book, "Living Beyond Your Lifetime," was released in 2000. It examines how to establish a legacy that will live on after one's death.

Huckabee has taken on numerous national leadership roles. In addition to being the chairman of the Education Commission of the States, he's the immediate past president of the Council of State Governments. The CSG is the nation's only organization serving every elected and appointed official in all three branches of state government. Founded in 1933 on the premise that states are the best sources of insight and innovation, the CSG provides a network for state leaders to share ideas.

Huckabee is the vice chairman of the National Governors Association. He will become NGA chairman in July 2005. The NGA, founded in 1908, is the group through which the nation's governors collectively influence the development of national policy. Huckabee is also the NGA's lead governor on the issue of Medicaid reform.

The Arkansas governor is extremely active in regional organizations. He's the immediate past state co-chairman of the Delta Regional Authority. He was selected to the post by the governors of the other seven states that are part of the DRA -- Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Missouri, Alabama, Kentucky and Illinois. The DRA was established by Congress to help alleviate poverty and stimulate economic growth in impoverished counties in the eight member states. Huckabee is a former chairman of the Southern Governors' Association, the Southern Regional Education Board, the Southern Growth Policies Board, the Southern Technology Council and the Southern International Trade Council.

Huckabee also is a former chairman of the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission. The 37-state coalition develops energy policy and lobbies Congress on energy matters, serving as the voice of state government on energy issues. Congress approved the creation of the IOGCC in 1935. Since that time, the commission has been the leading voice for state regulation of oil and gas production.

The governor and his wife, Janet, have three grown children -- John Mark, David and Sarah. Huckabee enjoys hunting, fishing, reading and playing bass guitar in his band, Capitol Offense.

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My favorite books include "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "The Complete Guide To Running" from Runner's World, "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson and "How Should We Then Live?" by Francis Schaeffer.

My favorite authors are Spencer Johnson and Francis Schaeffer.
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Old 12-08-2007, 06:47 PM
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Sorry to interrupt the Huckabee lovefest, but does the Governor ever intend to explain his actions with regards to the parole of Wayne DuMond?
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Old 12-08-2007, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by SiblingRevelry View Post
Sorry to interrupt the Huckabee lovefest, but does the Governor ever intend to explain his actions with regards to the parole of Wayne DuMond?
He has on many occasions. He did not parole him. The parole board did. In Arkansas the Gov. does not have the power to initiate nor stop a parole.
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Old 12-09-2007, 12:11 AM
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I don't care for Huckabee. His "political history" makes me uncomfortable. Huckabee vs. one of the 3 top Democrats is not going to be a victory for the Republican Party. The race is 5 people....2 Republicans and 3 Democrats.... Guiliani and Romney for the Republicans and Clinton, Obama, and Edwards for the Demoncrats.
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