Originally Posted by josh
Daniel, I cannot pass up the opportunity to agree with you...since it comes rather rarely. LOL
You are absolutely right.
When I was in Memphis we had a Spanish daughter work that is now self-supporting and autonomous. It runs close to 200 now.
We had calls all the time from pastors wanting to know if I knew any Spanish-speaking preachers that would be interested in starting a daughter work in their town. Until he got too busy, our Spanish pastor also headed up the District Spanish work. The need for Spanish preachers is incredible.
We constantly stayed on the lookout for someone qualified to recommend. If anyone has an opportunity in the apostolic church in North America it is a dedicated Spanish-speaking preacher.
I just can't imagine a man with true anointing and dedication that speaks Spanish being held back in the UPC or in any apostolic church.
Well brother its not imagination its reality.
Unfortunately not all sections, districts, areas ect are like yours.
I never said the UPCI was racist , but I have stated what I have dealt with, in so doing some have misread me as looking for hand outs, slothfulness or just being ignorant to the way things are done.
As some have shown authority/position corrupts when one is not ready for it.
We run 40 in our service in a town where there is no UPCI within 35 miles.
God is healing people, some have prayed back through and there are many new ones yet I can't get my Lic and I do not want to go independent, why should I.
I don't need charity and don't want it GOD has always provided.
I'll go ahead and brace for the repercussions from this post.