Originally Posted by Truly Blessed
If the UPCI sent out a questionaire asking every licensed minister directly, "Do you have a TV in your house?" and they had to answer the question in order to have their license renewed, what do you think the result would be?
That would be an interesting questionnaire:
1. Do you have a TV in your house?
2. If you answered "no" to question 1,
a. Does your wife have a TV in your house?
b. Do you have a room in your house you have designated as a hotel room?
c. Do you consider your garage to be a part of your house?
1. If you answered "no" to question c, do you have a TV in your garage?
d. Have you designated a residence other than where you are living as your "house?"
e. Do you have friends or family members record your favourite shows for you?
f. Do you own DVD sets of your favourite programs?
g. Have you removed your TV set from your house for the purpose of answering this questionnaire?
h. Do you believe that a coat hanger attached to a monitor constitutes a TV?
1. If you answered "no" to question h, do you have a coat hanger attached to your monitor?
i. Is you monitor attached to a cable or satellite broadcast input?
j. Is the signature attached to this questionnaire in your own hand writing?
k. Are you attaching a letter explaining why you are opting out of answering this question?
l. Did your superintendent tell you not to worry about it, so you're not?