Originally Posted by The Mrs
This has been an interesting thread CH...I didn't realize the early church had such a hand in the degradation of women. And that it's lasted this long for so many centuries.
Do you think our modern society, with the liberties women have embraced in the last couple decades, is getting closer to the ideal treatment of women Christ had in mind?
Though aware that this question was not addressed to me, I will take the liberty here to give my views:
No, I don't think the modern secular woman is any closer to being respected or treated as equals with men in the church or the secular setting. I think that we are still out of balance with what God intended although I do know that he cursed Eve in the garden so that she is never able to rise above the position or status except what is afforded her by the men [fathers & husbands] in their life.
I do believe that true Godly men who interpret scriptures as intended by God, value the woman that God has given them and are blessed by allowing her to become the best she can be. A successful/fulfilled woman is one who's husband does not feel threatened but feels enriched as his wife is an extention of himself.
Not all Apostolic women have been blessed with such a man in their life. I know a woman close to me that is in bondage every day of her life due to the fact she married a man that uses the submission and authority over her to alienate her from family and friends and uses the children as pawns to inflict hurt to those who will not allow themselves to be manipulated by him. This woman submits to her hurt but I believe that God will honor her in the end and break the yoke that has her tied up in knots literally and figuratively.
I do believe that the progressive Apostolic church has learned the value of woman and encourgae women to function in the gifts that God has blessed them with. These type of churches are on the rise and have a broader vision and more successful and growing church. Those churches which hold to the denegration of woman are churches that grow in number for a short time and then lose as many as they gain or they maintain their small isolated group and never show any noticeable growth.
Man and wife are one, not two with one of more status than the other. They are a unit that functions together as one entity. For this reason I always honor the Pastor's wife as Pastor as much as the husband. God being the best example of how to treat the women in his life. While on the cross he commanded on of his disciples/brother take care of his mother at his passing. God honored Martha and Mary by intimate fellowsh and restoring their brother Lazarus from the dead. God used Esther to save the Jewish nation from being destroyed. God used his mother Mary to give birth to the promised Messiah that saves the world generation after generation.
God loves and uses women in positive ways and never in th Bible did I see where Jesus applauded any man for misusing his position to embarrass, denegrate, or condemn women...even the prostitute was used to deliver God's spies, and the woman caught in adultery was not made to take the punishment for her sin over that of the man she was caught with. God uses women.
I love Jesus because he loves women and does not leave us out of the promise.
Blessings, Rhoni