Dear Bro JR,
God has already healed us of all your pains. Your healing is already an accomplished fact. (
1 Peter 2:24) All that remains is for you to receive that promise, but you must receive it
when you pray. (
Mk 11:24)
Here is part of a lesson I taught on healing. I think it will help you:
Heb 12:3
July 10, 2007
(Abraham)...”considered NOT “... , his and Sarah’s dead bodies. (
Rom 4:19), He didn’t think long about the fact that his ninety-nine year old body was dead, nor did he think long about the fact that Sarah’s ninety year old body was past the time of child bearing.
The word “consider” means: “to meditate on or think long on some subject”.
What then did Abraham consider? What subject did he...” meditate and think long on.”? He thought on God’s faithfulness. (Vs 21) “...that,, what he (God) had promised, he was able also to perform.”
What also did Sarah consider? What subject did she... “meditate and think long on.” ? She thought on God’s faithfulness. (
Heb 11:11) ...”she judged him faithful who had promised.”
Do you think you have a bigger problem, than Abraham and Sarah ‘s ? Here were two dead people, trying to have a baby. (Vs 12) “Therefore sprang there even of one and him as good as dead,...”
Whatever your problem, the answer is the same as Abraham and Sarah’s. CONSIDER HIM, “meditate on and think long on”... him and what he did for you on the cross. SEE HIM on the cross, taking our infirmities and bearing our sickness, swallowing up our sins and our poverty.
REMEMBERING HIM, that he owed us nothing thru debt. We did not deserve his grace. It was his great love, wherewith he loved us, that caused him to offer us “...exceeding great and precious promises” (1
1 Peter 1:4).
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” (
Heb 12:2) Faith comes, automatically, when you look to Jesus. Faith is what happens after, we get the image of him, into the random access memory of our minds, and then by CONSIDERING and MEDITATING on that image, it gets saved on the hard drives, of our hearts. When faith comes, we will have what we ask for.