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Old 07-10-2007, 11:42 AM
BreakingFree BreakingFree is offline
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
Breaking Free,

My dad used to preach a message titled "The Danger of Side Roads". As a pastor he taught this principle as well. The gist is that while the side road may not be sin, it may lead to sin eventually. It is very easy to get lost on side roads and the best advice is to avoid them and stay on the main road of sanctification!

Just something to think about.
And I agree with that completely, and that's far different than telling someone, here's how I want you to avoid the sideroads. We have to work out our own salvation. If it's not important enough to us to walk in a way pleasing to God, no one is going to be able to keep us safe by giving us the do's and don't's and again, it's not the dos and dont's, it's the inconsistency that makes the do's and dont's ineffective.
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Old 07-10-2007, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by BreakingFree View Post
And I agree with that completely, and that's far different than telling someone, here's how I want you to avoid the sideroads. We have to work out our own salvation. If it's not important enough to us to walk in a way pleasing to God, no one is going to be able to keep us safe by giving us the do's and don't's and again, it's not the dos and dont's, it's the inconsistency that makes the do's and dont's ineffective.
Well, I for one would want the specifics in regards to these "sideroads". I can't stand preaching or teaching that tells you that you need to do this or that or need to stop doing this or that yet they don't tell you HOW to do this or HOW not to do that. Prayer is a given, don't tell me to just "pray about it", give me some plain HOW TOs to go along with that prayer.

But this is JMO.
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Old 07-10-2007, 12:40 PM

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Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
Well, I for one would want the specifics in regards to these "sideroads". I can't stand preaching or teaching that tells you that you need to do this or that or need to stop doing this or that yet they don't tell you HOW to do this or HOW not to do that. Prayer is a given, don't tell me to just "pray about it", give me some plain HOW TOs to go along with that prayer.

But this is JMO.
I know that you read this between the lines, LadyRev, but I can assure you that my dad had no qualms about giving the route number and street names associated with these side roads. He even went so far as to point out the down road connecting streets. He was quite the heavenly cartographer.
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Old 07-10-2007, 04:57 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
Thats true, but the people blamed Moses, not the cloud, not God.
That'll preach!!!!
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Old 07-11-2007, 05:20 PM
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We just got home from three days in St. Louis. We left after church on Sunday, and didn't realize that we would get there so early. So we decided to go on to Scott's church, since I rarely get to hear him preach. I actually had traveled in a dress, since I hadn't changed since Sunday morning church, so I was kosher. However, I was shedding jewelry as we were driving down the road. LOL!!

He preached a message on a "Dirty Bowl" about Esau trading his birthright. It was awesome! Where he gets all these thoughts...I'm amazed! Anyway, he preached on separation from the world, but didn't get into specifics too much. (I was thankful, because I really wasn't wanting to have to slink out the back door. ) It was a very heavy message, and probably life changing for someone if they happened to be there in a lukewarm state.

Not just because he's my brother, but honestly, TD Jakes doesn't have anything on him!!!
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Old 07-11-2007, 05:48 PM
LaGirl LaGirl is offline

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he is preaching one night at our camp meeting next year.
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Old 07-11-2007, 05:49 PM
BreakingFree BreakingFree is offline
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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
We just got home from three days in St. Louis. We left after church on Sunday, and didn't realize that we would get there so early. So we decided to go on to Scott's church, since I rarely get to hear him preach. I actually had traveled in a dress, since I hadn't changed since Sunday morning church, so I was kosher. However, I was shedding jewelry as we were driving down the road. LOL!!

He preached a message on a "Dirty Bowl" about Esau trading his birthright. It was awesome! Where he gets all these thoughts...I'm amazed! Anyway, he preached on separation from the world, but didn't get into specifics too much. (I was thankful, because I really wasn't wanting to have to slink out the back door. ) It was a very heavy message, and probably life changing for someone if they happened to be there in a lukewarm state.

Not just because he's my brother, but honestly, TD Jakes doesn't have anything on him!!!

He amazes me with the stuff he comes up with too. I am amazed by his insight. I like it when he gets really excited and does that little turn around jig. I laughed when you said you were shedding jewelry.
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