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Old 04-28-2015, 11:04 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
I said the Methodists paid for the chapel. They own it.
What are you doing trying to be cute?????

HE rents the chapel to have service.... It is not free - It appears to me that you have been trying to paint a picture that is not true --- that they don't pay anything for it...
Now you appear to be playing games with Art Wilson's reputation and lives work reputation...
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-28-2015, 11:17 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
You havent posted a thing that proves Art Wilson attributed that picture to anything but his own services prior to April of this year. If he did, you prove it. I already proved more than once that he used a 2009 photo and labelled it as his service.
[B]I posted Art Wilson response and I will post it again.......
]from Art Wilson: "the first picture we ever posted on Twitter was a picture from the internet to show what it looked like and to give a idea of the services. There was a lot of people wanting updates and we had to be sure it was ok to post pictures. (i see now that that wasn't a wise choice)
However To prove our intentions were not to deceive-- If you go to our Twitter you will see a few weeks later upon making sure it was ok to post. we posted pictures of us having church in the chapel with our crowd. The pictures are there and dated on Twitter"

SOON AS HE GOT CLEARANCE... and no one was attacking him to do it.. he was waiting to get approval to post his own
He even said: "HE SEES IT WAS NOT THE WISE CHOICE, he wanted to show the chapel to those who wanted to see"
He didn't need to fake anything his pictures were awesome, much better than any online picture.. you probably hate that he has pictures it ruins your DEMONIC agenda

NO forgiveness in this Walks_in_islam guy... but that makes since
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-29-2015, 02:19 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
[B]I posted Art Wilson response and I will post it again.......
]from Art Wilson: "the first picture we ever posted on Twitter was a picture from the internet to show what it looked like and to give a idea of the services. There was a lot of people wanting updates and we had to be sure it was ok to post pictures. (i see now that that wasn't a wise choice)
However To prove our intentions were not to deceive-- If you go to our Twitter you will see a few weeks later upon making sure it was ok to post. we posted pictures of us having church in the chapel with our crowd. The pictures are there and dated on Twitter"

SOON AS HE GOT CLEARANCE... and no one was attacking him to do it.. he was waiting to get approval to post his own
He even said: "HE SEES IT WAS NOT THE WISE CHOICE, he wanted to show the chapel to those who wanted to see"
He didn't need to fake anything his pictures were awesome, much better than any online picture.. you probably hate that he has pictures it ruins your DEMONIC agenda

NO forgiveness in this Walks_in_islam guy... but that makes since
What was the time and date of that response? I'm sure you just forgot to include that. Unintentially I'm sure because I'm sure you have no agenda. LOL. Still waiting for the time and date stamp for that clarification. After we establish that then we can search his twitter to find out why he was still using that 'lifted' photo in his Nov, 2014 church anniversary video which was just perpetuating the lie since the photo was labeled "First Bible Study UN" on his church website and you can't really take such a momentous milestone down without serious explanation can you. LOL

Why was it still there, even after real pictures were available? It might be because nobody found out about the misrepresentation until April of this year and there was no good way to admit the misrepresentation? So we all wanna know if the photo borrowing was explained before or after the misrepresentation was discovered. Me? I think that "explanation" and all versions of it were issued around the end of April, 2015 and it was issued after, not before, the misleading was exposed.

That's my bet and that is consistant with the actions of an exposed liar, not an honest godly man. Prove me wrong or shut up. I am tiring of your whining and tap dancing. Post the time and date please. Here are the rules: If you correct a lie before that lie is exposed, then you are an honest person. If you scramble to do damage control when a lie is exposed almost 2 years afterwards, you are just a liar doing damage control.

SO: The lie from August, 2013 got exposed on April 24, 2015. What you have to do, to prove that you are defending an honest man, is provide a specific date and time prior to April 24, 2015, that a correction was issued. Otherwise, it is you and not I who have an agenda here to turn a misleading series of tweets and photos into an innocent mistake, instead of what it actually was, which is a deliberate misrepresentation. For your information, the tweet you are claiming clears everything up is dated April 25, 2015, and does not count because it was 1 day after this little façade was exposed. Find an earlier one or shut up and accept the deceitful salesman label that was pasted on the man and his walking cadaver of a partner.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-29-2015 at 03:05 AM.
Old 04-29-2015, 06:47 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Why is a guy that pastors in Detroit holding Bible studies in NYC?
Old 04-29-2015, 07:29 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

I doubt Art Wilson imagined there would be people like the muslim and the woman with the "spiritual abuse" website who would be so angry and hate what happened so much, they would nitpick and try to find anything to discredit him.

What Bro. Wilson used is basically what thousands of websites of businesses, governments, universities and churches use all the time: stock photos. He used a photo which wasn't of him or taken during a service he was leading, but one which showed the Chapel and gave people a glimpse of what it looked like.

If Bro. Wilson is a "lying little snake oil salesman," so is every business, government, university and church which uses a stock photo.

Thinker -- we both know the issue. We know Bro. Wilson didn't lie or try to deceive with the picture. It shouldn't matter what a muslim and bitter old ex-upc woman with a website think. They're both deceived as it is. islam is a false religion. mohammed is a false prophet. It's natural for these people to lash out against those who preach the Gospel. Especially since Bro. Wilson has baptized muslims who have received the Holy Ghost.

In the immortal words of Taylor Swift....just shake it off.

Last edited by n david; 04-29-2015 at 07:48 AM. Reason: spelling error
Old 04-29-2015, 07:43 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
What was the time and date of that response?
What are you talking about!!??!!
you don't know how to go on twitter and do research??? (that says a lot about everything that comes out of your mouth)

I want you to apologize for saying that ----- Or you are a devil that sits around and paints false pictures do deceive...
You are what you accuse others are being

Timeline: (from what i gather)
*** they have a historic service at the UN where many attended THATS AMAZING!!!!
*** He posted a online picture of there first service because he needed clearance to post their photos due to the high level people that attended in August 2013 (due to great interest to see what was going on)
*** He seeks clearance to get his pictures approved
*** He has many services reaching people in the UN holding bible studies and across the street in the chapel
*** August 2014 approvals are clear he posts on twitter
*** pictures of bible studies appear on the 27th floor also

I use online pictures all the time to create projects.. He most likely didn't think about it..

*** He posts on wordshare "he sees using the online picture was not wise but it wasn't to deceive but just show the chapel and how it looks"
*** His pictures were much better then the 1 online photo -- there was no deception or insecurity

Art Wilson has done something AMAZING!!!!!
Its amazing to see all of those people in the UN attending that service instantly they were reaching 100s of people (AND THEY STILL ARE TO THIS DAY) its awesome what is going on!! There pictures are all over his twitter of even officials that he is reaching..
he posted pictures with Ban Ki Moon, Woo Kim, Ted Turner I know from the team that he is talking with these men about the Lord --- Maybe you can do it and get off the couch..

No what you want to do is keep beating is a online picture from 2 years ago. when 100s of people are being reached.. it takes ministries years to get to where Art Wilson has taken the Un in months.. I won't let you be the devil you are in this story.
I am amazed that that many people are coming from the UN and other places to hear the gospel.. Because of haters like you Art Wilson had to take great risks and post pictures that could invade the privacy of high level people.. What a shame there are such people who have only a desire to slander.... I have checked through some of your posts on other issues on AFF ALL YOU DO IS SLANDER WALKS_IN_ISLAM because that is all you are
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-29-2015, 07:45 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I doubt Art Wilson imagined there would be people like the muslim and the woman with the "spiritual abuse" website who would be so angry and hate what happened so much, they would nitpick and try to find anything to discredit him.

What Bro. Wilson used is basically what thousands of websites of businesses, governments, universities and churches use all the time: stock photos. He used a photo which wasn't of him or taken during a service he was leading, but one which showed the Chapel and gave people a glimpse of what it looked like.

If Bro. Art Wilson is a "lying little snake oil salesman," so is every business, government, university and church which uses a stock photo.

Thinker -- we both know the issue. We know Bro. Wilson didn't lie or try to deceive with the picture. It shouldn't matter what a muslim and bitter old ex-upc woman with a website think. They're both deceived as it is. islam is a false religion. mohammed is a false prophet. It's natural for these people to lash out against those who preach the Gospel. Especially since Bro. Wilson has baptised muslims who have received the Holy Ghost.

In the immortal words of Taylor Swift....just shake it off.

Powerful and on point!!!!!

I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-29-2015, 07:50 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by seguidordejesus View Post
Why is a guy that pastors in Detroit holding Bible studies in NYC?
Because he was invited, and they kept wanting to hear his ministry so he sacrifices major cost to fly there at least 2 times a month for 3 days a trip..

*** plane fair
*** major manhattan hotel fair
*** food and project supplies
to make it happen

When the UN invited him to speak he had a chance to really get in the limelight he gave his seat to Lee Stoneking... Now thats a humble guy...
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-29-2015, 08:49 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
What are you talking about!!??!!
you don't know how to go on twitter and do research??? (that says a lot about everything that comes out of your mouth)

I want you to apologize for saying that ----- Or you are a devil that sits around and paints false pictures do deceive...
You are what you accuse others are being

Timeline: (from what i gather)
*** they have a historic service at the UN where many attended THATS AMAZING!!!!
*** He posted a online picture of there first service because he needed clearance to post their photos due to the high level people that attended in August 2013 (due to great interest to see what was going on)
*** He seeks clearance to get his pictures approved
*** He has many services reaching people in the UN holding bible studies and across the street in the chapel
*** August 2014 approvals are clear he posts on twitter
*** pictures of bible studies appear on the 27th floor also

I use online pictures all the time to create projects.. He most likely didn't think about it..

*** He posts on wordshare "he sees using the online picture was not wise but it wasn't to deceive but just show the chapel and how it looks"
*** His pictures were much better then the 1 online photo -- there was no deception or insecurity

Art Wilson has done something AMAZING!!!!!
Its amazing to see all of those people in the UN attending that service instantly they were reaching 100s of people (AND THEY STILL ARE TO THIS DAY) its awesome what is going on!! There pictures are all over his twitter of even officials that he is reaching..
he posted pictures with Ban Ki Moon, Woo Kim, Ted Turner I know from the team that he is talking with these men about the Lord --- Maybe you can do it and get off the couch..

No what you want to do is keep beating is a online picture from 2 years ago. when 100s of people are being reached.. it takes ministries years to get to where Art Wilson has taken the Un in months.. I won't let you be the devil you are in this story.
I am amazed that that many people are coming from the UN and other places to hear the gospel.. Because of haters like you Art Wilson had to take great risks and post pictures that could invade the privacy of high level people.. What a shame there are such people who have only a desire to slander.... I have checked through some of your posts on other issues on AFF ALL YOU DO IS SLANDER WALKS_IN_ISLAM because that is all you are
I already knew the answer dimwit. I just wanted to see you e-sob when pinned down with a direct question. All you're missing is a blue jean skirt. What a baby.

The "borrowed" pictures were highlighted on April 24, 2015, and you dont have a single bit of evidence that before that day anyone intended to or did correct the misconception that this was just a(what was it? A stock photo? LOL). What I said was true and what is true is not "slander". Slander is a lie and taking something and re-labelling it as something else is a deliberate lie.
Again, identify a correction before that date or shut up and take the label.
In case you don't know, stock photos are perfectly acceptable but captioning them as something other than what they represent is a calculated, deliberate lie. Stick your timeline. The important timeline is this:
Falsely captioned pictures were exposed on April 24, 2015. A flurry of tweets including one that admitted that using these and labelling them as something they are not started the next day.
Far from bitter, I find it highly amusing. Almost as amusing as your pathetic attempts to justify this deliberate lie.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-29-2015 at 08:56 AM.
Old 04-29-2015, 08:52 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
Powerful and on point!!!!!

Yeah you better change the subject far away from that time and date thing. LOL. Correcting a "stock photo" captioned as "my service" the day after someone else found it sounds like a real attack of moral conscience hahahahahahaha
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