Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The fact is, the story I read didn't give all of the details that Praxeas found.
Neither did I do more research other than reading the article that I linked.
Mistrust of cops is still rampant, especially among many minorities, me included.
I am glad that this now appears to me to be a case where the cops acted appropriately.
What is concerning JD is not just that you swallowed it hook line and sinker, but that a LOT of other people, particularly black Americans do..
Look at the website you posted from "BlackAmerica"...did THEY bother to check it first? No
Do they bother to wait to see what the full picture is? No
Why not? Mistrust of cops might be rampant and perhaps for good reason BUT clearly it's being FUELED by either lies or delusions
Wait to see the whole story. Wait to see ALL the facts. Don't Jump to conclusions
But some go by the Mantra "Don't wait, he is white and we are black"...isnt that sort of reverse racism?
That is what the race baiters are doing and they are burning America. That is what Eric Holder did...he SHOULD have made a big announcement about Furgenson. He didn't because they WANT to burn America..
Think about it. Race relations are at an all time LOW...not because of these incidents but because of the race baiting peddlers out there.