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Old 06-25-2013, 04:37 PM
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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
First part about the Jews. False.


Second part about killing infidels to spread Islam. In the conquering of Mecca, Muhammad killed the pagans that were in Mecca. Sounds a lot like the Israelites taking of the promised land. Actually if you look at both of them side by side, the Israelite taking of the promised land was straight genocide and worse than Muhammad taking of Mecca. All through out his life and all through the Quran. freedom of religion was his message. But lets not let facts get in the way of your views.
So you admit it's true? The only view I presented was facts. Islam was born in violent bloody conflict.

Also do you even see the contradiction? Freedom of Religion? Killed the Pagans?

BTW you know that website is by an Islamic group, right?


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Last edited by Praxeas; 06-25-2013 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:53 PM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
So you admit it's true? The only view I presented was facts. Islam was born in violent bloody conflict.

Also do you even see the contradiction? Freedom of Religion? Killed the Pagans?

BTW you know that website is by an Islamic group, right?


He killed the pagans in Mecca. yes he did. Why werent the Jews allowing the people in the promised land to have freedom of religion?
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:17 PM
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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
He killed the pagans in Mecca. yes he did. Why werent the Jews allowing the people in the promised land to have freedom of religion?
Thank you. Yes Islam was born in bloody conflict.

The topic is not the Jews but Islam
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:18 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
islam is a religion of whatever the believer makes it, just as christianity has been throughout history, and continues to be.

the peaceful muslims dont make the news very often. theyre boring and terrible for ratings.

these ancient books like the quran and the bible, can be interpreted a variety of different ways, unfortunately. only sheltered goons try to stereotype either religion.
Just a simple question for you. When religious violence rears it's ugly head, what religion is usually at the center of the religious violence?
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:27 PM
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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Religious violence?

SUMMARY: Sunni-Shia conflict has nothing to do with the religion of ISLAM and everything to do with political power in the middle east
The sunni-shia (and other sects of Islam) religious violence is at the very core of violent Islam and your attempt to deny that fact is simply nothing more than the typical response of dishonest muslims. Reality trumps your muslim dishonesty each and every time. Keep posting. It's doing more to reveal the dishonest mindset of muslims than I could ever do.

Here's more fact and reality for you to deny.....

"At least 12 people were killed in fierce clashes in the Lebanese city of Sidon on Sunday between the army and followers of a Sunni Muslim cleric who have been caught up in sectarian fighting fuelled by the war in neighbouring Syria."

"Syria’s conflict, pitting mainly Sunni rebels against President Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite from an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam, has strained fragile sectarian relations in Lebanon and triggered clashes in Sidon and other cities."

"“We call on all our supporters in all areas who are able to come and protect our religion, our women, and our honour ... To all noble people in the army, Sunni or not Sunni, you must leave the army” he said in a YouTube video published on Sunday, as the sound of guns and mortar fire echoed in the distance."


Islam is the most violent religion on the face of the earth today...we see that on an almost daily basis.
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:49 PM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Just a simple question for you. When religious violence rears it's ugly head, what religion is usually at the center of the religious violence?
Its people who call themselves Muslims. Yes. I can admit that. My question that I have been asking is, if commit acts in the name of god and their religion that is outside of what their religion teaches, are they real Muslims, Christians ect ?
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:52 PM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Thank you. Yes Islam was born in bloody conflict.

The topic is not the Jews but Islam
No it wasnt. I know this topic is about Islam. I was just using the Israelites conquering the promised land as an example. Its a valid example. Muhammed killed far less pagans in Mecca than the Israelites killed in the promised land. Thats a fact.

Last edited by odooley6985; 06-25-2013 at 05:58 PM.
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Old 06-25-2013, 06:13 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
Its people who call themselves Muslims. Yes. I can admit that. My question that I have been asking is, if commit acts in the name of god and their religion that is outside of what their religion teaches, are they real Muslims, Christians ect ?
Thank you. One can argue if they're real muslims or not, they certainly believe themselves to be real muslims to the point of dying (and killing others) for their Islamic religious sect, but the fact remains, when there's religious violence thousands and thousands of people who identify themselves as muslims, usually as followers of the sunni or shia Islamic sects, are almost always at it's core. No other religion comes close to the religious violence of the various Islamic religious sects.

Last edited by seekerman; 06-25-2013 at 06:44 PM.
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Old 06-25-2013, 06:28 PM
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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
No it wasnt. I know this topic is about Islam. I was just using the Israelites conquering the promised land as an example. Its a valid example. Muhammed killed far less pagans in Mecca than the Israelites killed in the promised land. Thats a fact.
On the one hand you deny Islam was born in bloody conflict and on the other you confess Muhammed and the Muslims killed the pagans...

You don't see the contradiction?

They killed both pagans and Jews...that was just the beginning

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Last edited by Praxeas; 06-25-2013 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 06-25-2013, 07:20 PM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Violent Islam

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Thank you. One can argue if they're real muslims or not, they certainly believe themselves to be real muslims to the point of dying (and killing others) for their Islamic religious sect, but the fact remains, when there's religious violence thousands and thousands of people who identify themselves as muslims, usually as followers of the sunni or shia Islamic sects, are almost always at it's core. No other religion comes close to the religious violence of the various Islamic religious sects.
Its funny you use the word sects. The quran forbids the forming of sects. Further proof these people are out of the will of their religion. Its all really sad. It seems that the radical Muslims cannot take critique or criticism of their religion, and differences between their beliefs. Also google what the difference between Shia and Sunni is. Its sad they kill over that.
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