Originally Posted by Adam
Good question. What does the HG infilling do to your "sin condition"? Does it disappear? If not, is it easier to deal with?
Peter allowed peer preasure, bias, and fear to cause him to remove himself from the gentiles when Jews showed up for dinner. It created a stumblingblock for other believers and ended with a face to face challenge by Paul.
Paul had thorns in the flesh that God refused to take away.
Aquila and Priscilla lied to the Apostles and the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost doesn't change our nature from a sin nature to a sinless one. The rapture will do that. The Holy Ghost reconnects us with God, leads and guides us into truth, and gives us grace and power to hold strong in faith and live without committing sin.
A close example is this. I am a man. That is my nature, my gender. As a man, I exhibit behaviors and other things that are typical of men. I can change those behaviors that I exhibit, but that doesn't change my basic male nature and gender.
The same is true with the sin nature. We were all born in sin and shapen in inquity. That is our basic nature and will not change until the rapture when our mortal bodies put on immortality. Through the Holy Ghost however, we have the ability to change our behavior so that we are not ruled by the sinful nature within us, but by the Holy nature of the Spirit of God within us. If we become weak in walking in the Spirit, then we'll notice a re-emergence of that "old man" that sinful nature. It is a constant struggle of submitting our base sinful nature to the dominate nature of the Holy Ghost within us. Paul talked about this struggle when he said "I do the things I don't want to do, and don't do the things I want to do."
For a Christian, its a continual battle to keep our sinful nature subjected to the Spiritual nature of God, so that we can walk in the Spirit and not fulfil the lust of the flesh. We all slip from time to time, and will never walk 100% sinless, but the difference between us and non-believers is that we have the ability to subject our sinful nature to the nature of God within us, and not be ruled by that sinful nature.