Originally Posted by The Lemon
hmmm...priorities, this thread has alot of potential for more good discussion. What I have found interesting about the very subject of priorities is just how subjective it can be! Seriously, if we all were to actually list from greatest to least in order of importance, there would truly be alot of diversity on what should go where.
One thing I remember teaching years ago was that who you are in Christ and what you do for Christ are not the same thing. That is to say, works do not equal relationship..now, at the same time, you can't really have a relationship and not have any works either - sort of like faith without works being dead..all alone. What I have experienced over the years is that some folks, if not careful (and yes this includes me), will equate what they do for God as being the same as relationship with him, but that is a mistake.
Anyway...I'm off my soapbox.
I agree. Many times, I don't think some realize they are doing that very thing.
I've been there, doing the Martha, when I needed to bring in some of Mary to balance it out. I was so busy doing, that I wasn't spending enough quality time alone with God. I was so busy doing the good things, that I didn't even realize I needed to slow down.
He does have a way of getting our attention.
I went to a Ladies Retreat and could feel God wanted to speak to me about something. The very last speaker, on the very last day, spoke about Martha and Mary and that is when God allowed me to know where I was and what I was doing.
He is faithful to redirect us. I have never forgotten that lesson.