Originally Posted by Margies3
That is beautiful, PO!!!
I heard a minister say the other day that when he does baby dedications, he takes the baby from the parents and walks down the center aisle of the church with him/her after it's over. He reminds the congregation how they just made a promise to help raise this child in the love of God. And then tells them that means that if these parents get in tough times, it is up to the church to help out. And that it means that they've made a promise to love and pray for this child. And that it also means that if someone comes to you and asks you to teach a Sunday School class or lead a Cherub Choir or head-up a VBS, you made a promise to this child...................
It's the only one I saw that I really liked. The long sleeved ones are thin cotton. Don't like that. And some are closer to $100 - don't like that. lol!
That is beautiful! What a wonderful way to handle that.
Even though it isn't a Biblical commandment, it does bind the family in the way of consecration and responsibility.
We had a rather drastic church situation going on when our son was born and never had him dedicated.
It's funny, we had our daughter dedicated and she was "hell on wheels" as a teenager. Our son has never given us one bit of trouble. If he did anything wrong, I don't know about it. lol