Hey any of you that have a church or a ministry-do you like the town you are in?
Do you think it is important to like where you live?
Just wondering what others thought, sometimes I don't care for this town I live in very much! Ha ha!
It absolutely makes a difference. If you feel it is the will of God, and feel the call to that particular city then you need to fall in love with it.
I was in love with Clearwater, maybe still am...and felt and prayed for healing for my community on a macro scale, as well as a micro/individual scale.
You can minister more effectively if you love your city/community.
Shall I pray for you to fall in love with your city or pray that God move you elsewhere?
It absolutely makes a difference. If you feel it is the will of God, and feel the call to that particular city then you need to fall in love with it.
I was in love with Clearwater, maybe still am...and felt and prayed for healing for my community on a macro scale, as well as a micro/individual scale.
You can minister more effectively if you love your city/community.
Shall I pray for you to fall in love with your city or pray that God move you elsewhere?
Blessings, Rhoni
I think your words made my day! Thanks for your input!
No I do not love the town I live in but I love the town where our new church campus is located. It's the town nextdoor and is only about 10 minutes from where I live. I grew up there and have such a heavy burden for that place. I know that God is getting ready to pour out His spirit in the denominal churches in the area and I want to be a part of it!
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
No I do not love the town I live in but I love the town where our new church campus is located. It's the town nextdoor and is only about 10 minutes from where I live. I grew up there and have such a heavy burden for that place. I know that God is getting ready to pour out His spirit in the denominal churches in the area and I want to be a part of it!
At least you are close to it, that must a wonderful feeling! I want to hear what God is doing through you all.
At least you are close to it, that must a wonderful feeling! I want to hear what God is doing through you all.
I am excited about the new campus ministry. We were in the town that I live in for many years. We are starting a new campus church across the river from where we had always been. Alot of folks won't cross that boundary to go to church - like going to the other side of the tracks or something. The town we are starting up in is so ripe for revival. We live in a small town in the Bible Belt so there is literally a church on every corner, but there are still not enough to reach the people. We know that there are 150,000 people within a thirty mile radius of our campus and the majority of them are unchurched. If we just reached a TENTH of that, you're talking 1500 people. I'll take that percentage for starters - then we can talk about raising the goal!!
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
It does make a difference.If you begin to dislike it then you are less apt to stay
and begin to be discouraged about the progress of the church work.I hated the town we did work for Jesus in until He called us there to start a church then I
knocked myself out doing things in the community and began to be an integral
part of things like National Day of Pray and the Dedication of the Memorial Wall.
We also joined in other ministries and took part in the city wide Thanksgiving
service.The more I got to know the people the more my burden developed.Its
got to be on a more personal level.Other things helped as well such as the praying in of certain industries and the praying out of certain spirits and industries.
God knows and He is faithful.Hang in there things change from day to day.