Originally Posted by Truthseeker
I know we can't duplicate the apostles, but really, are we that fearful and lacking of faith that we stop our services or tell the sick to stay home?
What in the world does being Apostolic have to do with using wisdom and complying with an executive order from a state governor about restricting crowd size?
FOR THE RECORD: I am not aware from my vantage point of ANY churches stopping services because of fear or lack of faith in God to cover and heal.
It DOES seem prudent to me to err on the side of caution for congregations that exceed 250 people. And honestly, I have always been of the mind that if someone is sick (hacking cough, sneezing, high fever, etc.) for the sake of everyone around them, STAY HOME!!!
Bro. Raymond Woodward in NB wrote this to the church he pastors…
“Although the government has only made a recommendation at this point, we are choosing to comply because we feel the Church should be part of the solution, not part of the problem. The Bible teaches us to always cooperate with those in authority as long as the government does not infringe on biblical mandates.”
SO… if a church has 35 members, this does not apply to them. But if that house of God with 35 souls feels they ought to side on the side of protecting the people, it just doesn’t seem wrong to me.
What IS distressing is to come here and see us trying to put the household of faith on a balancing scale of who is Apostolic
enough. If those who disagree with the pastors would go to some of their brethren and speak to THEM about it, or bother going to their FB pages to read WHY they are doing it, they might come away with a different outlook.
It has been my experience that sometimes we can't see the others person's point of view until the chickens come home to roost...
Personal story... when I was found to have Stage Three uterine and ovarian cancer I has someone close to me say that they would NEVER have chemo! They made me feel as if I didn't trust God and was living in fear of dying...
But then a year or so later it happened to her... it was a totally different story then. I never would ever say anything to her about it, but I will always remember this incident as a picture of how we can't really say what we will do in a situation until we are faced with it.
As a body let's pray for each other...