Originally Posted by amh
\i did intend this question for those who heed to the acts 2:38 and oneness, just so you know,
" Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy NAME? and in thy NAME have cast out devils?
and in thy NAME done many wonderful works?"
It is not solely
Acts 2:38, but also
Mark 16:16. Peter and the apostles were only confirming the
words of the Lord Jesus. There have been martyrs in every organization, denomination, and religion
of every stripe: were those all saved? Did the Lord Jesus "know them"? Or can anyone be saved
deny baptism, even the NAME of Jesus in the waters of baptism?
Now this: all who have died, the Lord will surely judge; and those who preach any other name, is
now being judged. They will finally be judged according to the judgment of the "Watchman" who did
not issue the warning, or issued a false warning!
Nevertheless, our preaching and teaching is unto the living!
"I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."