What is the role of a pastor/pastor's wife if they see a need...say a marriage problem...something that is evident, but the troubled individuals will not seek counsel?
Should the man and woman of God pray and not approach them?
Should they pray and approach, asking if they would like a chance to talk?
I couldn't agree more! The quickest way to get one's head lopped off is to jump into the middle of a "domestic" uninvited!
I know this is kind of off topic, but along the same lines.
My dad was a cop. He said the most dangerous calls were the domestic ones.
He didnt mind going into a bank robbery or a shots fired call or even a fight in a bar. on those you know what the deal is going in, but a domestic fight has more levels of danger and there is no way of knowing what will happen.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I know this is kind of off topic, but along the same lines.
My dad was a cop. He said the most dangerous calls were the domestic ones.
He didnt mind going into a bank robbery or a shots fired call or even a fight in a bar. on those you know what the deal is going in, but a domestic fight has more levels of danger and there is no way of knowing what will happen.
This is so true. I work on a crisis team and when there is any trouble at all...911 and they go in with mace!
This is so true. I work on a crisis team and when there is any trouble at all...911 and they go in with mace!
Blessings, Rhoni
Dad told me that more than once, they would go in and have to peal some dude off the woman. The guy would start fighting dad and the other police. Then they would have to subdue him but the woman would turn on the cops and grab something and start hitting them! crazy.
sorry for being off topic.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
So, you don't stand on the unspoken rule of some that they will only deal with things if asked...that's good, CS...
That is my basic practice practice, but in dealing with things as fraught with variables as human relationships, there is no way to create a one-size-fits-all rule.
Generally speaking, I don't interfere unless asked.