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Old 12-25-2012, 09:01 AM
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Loren Adkins

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Ephesians 4

Ephesians 4


Over the course of the last 10 years, I have been led to study church authority. This first started with the disalussion with the single pastoral authority of which was found in the organization I was raised in. In my studies I began to read how there was never a single elder, pastor, etc that was addressed in scripture. Even Paul never went anywhere alone, rather with several in his group.

The deeper I began to look at this and study the more convince I became that so many church organizations are not biblical in their line of authority within the body of Christ. With a complete separation between saint and ministry. In other words there are saints and there is ministry. Separated by a chasm as large as the Grand Canyon. With that being said I present to you a study I have done on Ephesians chapter 4.

Eph 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you to walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called,
Eph 4:2 with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
Eph 4:3 giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

To begin we need to know to whom Paul is addressing this letter. We find this in chapter 1. "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, to the saints that are at Ephesus, and the faithful in Christ Jesus" We see Paul is addressing this to the saints, not to the ministry.
When Paul says we are to walk worthy of the calling we are called to, he is speaking to each individual. We each have a calling, as Paul goes on to teach, we are each part of the body. Paul teaches much more about the body in his other letters but let us keep with the context of this letter. Chapter 5 gives a clear outline of the relationship of the body.

Now verse 8 Paul speaks of Christ gave gifts to men. What are these gifts that Christ gave to men? This is found in one of the most missused verses by dictoral organizations.
Eph 4:11 And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelist; and some, pastors and teachers;

This list has come to be know as the five fold ministry. A ministry that has been raised up on a pedestal thus separating saint from leaders. This I say was not what Paul intended, this come from again pulling one or two verses from context, to build a doctrine of man and not of God.

As establish in verse 8 these are gifts that God (Christ) gave to the body. Gifts that are to work with in the body not above or outside of the body. This is in direct conflict with many teaching of pastoral authority found in many organizations. Again the teaching found in many organizations are of a separation between the body and ministry.

Moving on verse 11 and 12 reads, Eph 4:11 And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelist; and some, pastors and teachers;
Eph 4:12 for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ:

Many read these two verses separate from the rest of the chapter. Stating that God gave this so called ministry to perfect the saints. I feel this is reading this out of context completely. Let me explain further. This word "perfecting" in the Greek is "complete furnishing" the NKJV reads this as "equipping". While perfecting works if one reads this in proper context, equipping is even better. As the ASV reads, "for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ:" Unto the work of ministering. This is what the gifts are given for, the purpose of equipping all saints for the work of their ministry.

That the body of Christ would be built up, that we will all come in unity of the faith.

In conclusion, God did not place an authority group over the rest of the body as a police force. Chapter 5 confirms this as Paul wrote that we are all to submit one to another. As Christ is the head, of the church not a man. Under Christ is the husband, again not a pastor, under the husband the wife and then lastly the children. This same line of authority is repeated in Paul's other letters.

Nowhere in scripture do we find Paul or any other apostle placing a dictator over the body of Christ, such as we find in many religious parties today. This type of dictorial control is a carry over from the Catholic church. Jesus himself instructs us that this type of leadership should never find its way into the kingdom of God. Matt. 20:25, Mark 10:42, Luke 22:25.

If you should find yourself in a group that has a dictoral one man show, that reserves for him/her self the final say as God's appointed voice to the rest of the church, I say run, run for your life. For under this type of leadership one can not ever grow the full maturity in relationship with God.
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Old 12-25-2012, 01:51 PM
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Re: Ephesians 4

IMO: Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are required for the growth of the saints for the work of ministry/serving and will be part of that growing/developing/maturing process until the Church is perfected/raptured.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 12-26-2012, 06:16 AM
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Re: Ephesians 4

Ok Sam I'll bite,\

Exactly where does it say they are required? Paul tells us they are gifts, given to the church for the equiping (perfecting,complete furninshing)of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and the edifications of the church.

The point, Sam is not whether they are needful or benificial. The point is to what degree of authority do they have.

Are they to work within the body or without?

Notice they are not given to do the work of the ministry, they are given that we all are equiped,to do the work of mnistry. After all this passege addresses the saints to walk worthy of the vocation in which they are called.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 12-26-2012, 01:33 PM
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Re: Ephesians 4

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Ok Sam I'll bite,\

1. Exactly where does it say they are required? Paul tells us they are gifts, given to the church for the equiping (perfecting,complete furninshing)of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and the edifications of the church.

2. The point, Sam is not whether they are needful or benificial. The point is to what degree of authority do they have.

3. Are they to work within the body or without?

4. Notice they are not given to do the work of the ministry, they are given that we all are equiped,to do the work of mnistry. After all this passege addresses the saints to walk worthy of the vocation in which they are called.
my opinion:
1. They are part of the Body. They are "required" in that they are necessary parts of the body. They are body parts or organs that are required for the Body to work properly.

2. authority? that can be scary. Each ministry should mesh and gear with others. I would consider Peter and John to be big shots in the first century church leadership but they were "sent" to Samaria by the leaders in Jerusalem (Acts chapter 8) which indicates some sort of submission to me. Paul openly rebuked Peter at Antioch when Peter's actions were inconsistent with what he was preaching (Galatians 2:11-15). Paul and Barnabas are called Apostles but they were sent from the church in Antioch (Acts chapter 13) and Paul returned to that church after his first and second missionary journeys like it was his home base.

Another thing about authority, the elders/bishops/pastors (plural) are leaders (not bosses) in the local church. Notice how Peter talks about that in 1 Peter chapter 5). All are to submit to one another. None is to be a lord over God's heritage. A shepherd is the "boss" in that he is in charge and responsible for the care and well being of the sheep but he "serves" the every day and devoted his life to their care.

3. they are part of the Body and should work in the Body to the betterment and upbuilding or edification of the Body.

4. the ministries of Ephesians 3:11 (some say there are 5, some say there are 4) art to build up the saints so the saints can serve.

We were taught at the Apostolic Bible Institute (a UPC school) when I was there in 1956/1957 that there were only 12 apostles (Matthias was a mistake and God never considered him an apostle) and that there are no current prophets because that office ceased in the first century.
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Old 12-27-2012, 09:09 AM
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Loren Adkins

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Re: Ephesians 4

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
my opinion:
1. They are part of the Body. They are "required" in that they are necessary parts of the body. They are body parts or organs that are required for the Body to work properly.

2. authority? that can be scary. Each ministry should mesh and gear with others. I would consider Peter and John to be big shots in the first century church leadership but they were "sent" to Samaria by the leaders in Jerusalem (Acts chapter 8) which indicates some sort of submission to me. Paul openly rebuked Peter at Antioch when Peter's actions were inconsistent with what he was preaching (Galatians 2:11-15). Paul and Barnabas are called Apostles but they were sent from the church in Antioch (Acts chapter 13) and Paul returned to that church after his first and second missionary journeys like it was his home base.

Another thing about authority, the elders/bishops/pastors (plural) are leaders (not bosses) in the local church. Notice how Peter talks about that in 1 Peter chapter 5). All are to submit to one another. None is to be a lord over God's heritage. A shepherd is the "boss" in that he is in charge and responsible for the care and well being of the sheep but he "serves" the every day and devoted his life to their care.

3. they are part of the Body and should work in the Body to the betterment and upbuilding or edification of the Body.

4. the ministries of Ephesians 3:11 (some say there are 5, some say there are 4) art to build up the saints so the saints can serve.

We were taught at the Apostolic Bible Institute (a UPC school) when I was there in 1956/1957 that there were only 12 apostles (Matthias was a mistake and God never considered him an apostle) and that there are no current prophets because that office ceased in the first century.
Sam and Michael
I know Sam I believe you have been in ministry, by ministry I mean part of the group that holds themselves above the rest of the body. I carried license with UPCI for around 10 years. Although, I was active in ministry for about 20+ years as I started early in life. The point of this I worked in close contact with many, and worked under many. From the best to the worst, the one thing that was consistant. When the rubber met the road it all came down to this, the pastor always had the final say.

In essance he was the Lord of his own kingdom, that being HIS church. Let me change my wording, because I was party to this too. I held the same view point.

We set fences up, "standards of holiness, doctrines, plans of salvation" Anyone that did not line up to our dictates were rebelious and set for hell. It is and was not Christ church it was our church. Christ could not work through the body he had to work through the "pastor". Man teaches that the gift of an prophet is gone, man teaches that there are no longer apostles, scripture does not. These were and are still gifts within the body that should be at work within the body.

Lets look at the work of a pastor, the word pastor is lituraly "shephard" a shephard was not to fence in the sheep neither was he the boss. The shephard was yes in charge, in charge of protecting, leading the sheep to pasture. Never was the shephard to feed the sheep as we define feed the sheep. To feed meant to lead the sheep to pastures and clear water at which time the sheep were allowed to graze and drink as they chose.

The misinterpreting of Ephesians 4 thinking the ministry must perfect the sheep is a misconception. The word perfection is to furnish completly, again this was not the job of just the pastor, (shephard) but all the gifts. And again the gift of the pastor was to shephard, the sheep. I cannot say that enough as we need to understand the definition of shephard in those days.

The sheep were not to stay sheep, they were to grow into their own ministry, not neccesarily that of a pastor, as a pastor is a special breed as you and I know.

More to come.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 12-27-2012, 02:13 PM
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Re: Ephesians 4

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Sam and Michael
I know Sam I believe you have been in ministry, by ministry I mean part of the group that holds themselves above the rest of the body...
I do not believe "ministry" is "part of the group that holds themselves above the rest of the body."

in my opinion:
the verb "to minister" means "to serve"
the noun "minister" means "servant"
All in the body are servants/ministers.
We serve God by serving one another.
We minister to others and are ministered to by others.

I happen to be an "ordained minister." I have three pieces of paper on my wall that say so. One is an ordination certificate that states that I am an ordained minister in The Church of Jesus Christ. It is signed by Boyd Lawson, Billy Nunley and Sondra Bennett. Another is a piece of paper that states that I am ordained for ministry by The Hamilton Dream Center and is signed by Pastor Wendell Coning, Pastor Bill Banks, and Kim Coning. The third is a piece of paper that states that I have the authority to solemnize marriages in the State of Ohio because I am an ordained or licensed minister in The Church of Jesus Christ and it is signed by J. Kenneth Blackwell who was Secretary of State for Ohio at that time. I have a fourth certificate that is not hanging on the wall which says that I have authority to solemnize marriages in Ohio because I am an ordained or licensed minister with The Hamilton Dream Center. It is signed by whoever was the Secretary of State for Ohio at that time. Those pieces of paper give me legal status as a minister as far as civil law but are unnecessary as far as God or His Church is concerned.

I have ministered/served the Body of Christ for over half a century by praying for people; supporting a local church and other ministries financially; giving away food, clothing, money and other things; visiting people in hospitals, homes; nursing homes and in jail; being available when people need a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or an encouraging word; teaching; preaching; inviting people to church; cleaning the church; etc.

I do believe there are offices in the church. They are listed in Ephesians 4 as
I realize some believe pastor/teacher is one office but I think of them as separate offices

I believe that in a local church there are pastors who are also spoken of as elders and bishops. These men/women are spoken of by Paul in Timothy and Titus and in Acts chapter 20 and by Peter in 1 Peter chapter 5. They have "authority" in the congregation because they are in positions of leadership. They are not to be lords over God's heritage but are to be examples to the flock. They are to lead by example and their lives and words therefore carry authority and are to be "obeyed" as they teach and preach and live the Word in a human and imperfect manner. They are to be followed but only as they follow Christ.

I believe the word "pastor" is not found in our KJV New Testament but the word "pastors" is found once. However, the word translated "pastors" in Ephesians chapter 4 is translated "shepherd" in other parts of the Bible. Peter uses this word in chapter 5 of his first epistle and Paul uses it in Acts chapter 20 when they speak to elders/overseers. To pastor means to care for the flock.
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Old 12-27-2012, 02:22 PM
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Re: Ephesians 4

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
... Man teaches that the gift of an prophet is gone, man teaches that there are no longer apostles, scripture does not. These were and are still gifts within the body that should be at work within the body...
I agree

I was a baby Christian when I attended the Apostolic Bible Institute in St. Paul, MN in 1956/1957. Bro. Norris taught us (potential ministers in the UPC and other organizations) that there never could be more than 12 apostles. He taught that Paul was God's choice of the 12th apostle to replace Judas and that Matthias was the choice of the people in the early church to replace Judas as an apostle but was never accepted by God. I hadn't been reading my Bible for long but I already knew that there were about 20 people called apostles in the New Testament. I had to think, "If they have this wrong, what else do they have wrong?"

P.S. I have never been licensed or ordained by the UPC. I have attended UPC churches and have preached in UPC churches. I could preach in a UPC church today if asked by the pastor but I could not be a member of a UPC church. This is just my personal feeling.
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Old 12-26-2012, 07:22 AM
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Re: Ephesians 4

Many read these two verses separate from the rest of the chapter. Stating that God gave this so called ministry to perfect the saints. I feel this is reading this out of context completely. Let me explain further. This word "perfecting" in the Greek is "complete furnishing" the NKJV reads this as "equipping". While perfecting works if one reads this in proper context, equipping is even better. As the ASV reads, "for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ:" Unto the work of ministering. This is what the gifts are given for, the purpose of equipping all saints for the work of their ministry.

That the body of Christ would be built up, that we will all come in unity of the faith.
An even fuller context:

Eph. 4:11-15

11And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:14That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro , and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness , whereby they lie in wait to deceive;15But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

I have had far more trouble finding a Minister (of any variety) who understands that the point of ministry is to bring each believer to the fulness of the stature of Christ than one who makes himself a a total dictator.

We have basically novice Ministers who teach other mens doctrines and fight against the Biblical teaching of perfection/coming to full stature in Christ.
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Old 12-28-2012, 02:09 PM
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Re: Ephesians 4

One should not assume the dictator thing is the status quo. I dont remember having a Pastor that way. I had one who preached what he considered holiness (outward standards) but he certainly did not try to micro manage my life.

Now I do agree with multiple eldership opposed to a one Pator set up. My problem is just that even there in todays Churches it seems the more Preachers the more error. We need to get understanding of sound doctrine.
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Old 12-29-2012, 09:04 AM
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Re: Ephesians 4

Godsdrummer: While many protestant churches have pulled away from Catholisism, we still hold many of the traditions, philosophys, and empty deciets formed under this dark period of time.
It's known as following "precedents" (something done or said that serves as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind).

The contemporary Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal Church (regardless of the moniker its ministerial licensing agency has assumed), continues to hold sacred the rituals and customs which the "apostolic forefathers" (of the early 20th Century) brought with them from their former denominations that were once a part of the RCC. I call it "Dead Men Still Rule."
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