The Supreme Court will hear a case concerning the University of Texas' Affrimative Action policies.
The state of California has expressed regrets with their decision to scrap Affirmative Action in their admissions processes. There are others who suggest that it would be a mistake for the University of Texas to scrap their Affirmative Actions policies.
Then there are stories like the Kansas City school district. Listening to the stories of these students has to drive home the fact that most urban school districts do not prepare their students to compete with other suburban school districts. Urban school districts are filled with minority students, but it isn't their races that is the source of the disadvantage.
My biggest problem with Affirmative Action is that the policies that are in place now simply do not do enough to help the people who need the most help.
Instead of race-based Affirmative Action policy for university admissions, maybe we should have a school district or even regionally-based Affirmative Action policy-- a policy that does not ignore the blatant inequalities that plague our nation's urban and some of our rural education systems, but does not award educational assistance to people who don't necessarily need it.
Our country has moved beyond the place of having to award minorities with admission to state universities simply because they are minorities. However, the story below is a story of an educational system failure that is affecting
an entire generation of minority students-- from Kindergarten to 12th Grade. I am sure that the predicament of these students is not limited to Kansas City and current Affirmative Action policies do not do enough to adequately help these students who are left behind.