My mind turns to where Jesus fed the mulititude and there was enough left over for twelve baskets. Have you ever considered why it was twelve?
We often go to church to receive something from God. Maybe it is a physical need or possibly spiritual. When we get it, isn't it wonderful to go home and tell others about the goodness of God and to sometimes be able to show others what has transpired?
There were not too many restaurants in that day like we now have. We can go out and get a bite at all hours of the day in most places. All we have to do is shell out a few (a lot) dollars and presto! bango! the food is there for us to eat!! The waitress may come out and get our drink order and bring it too the table. The effort on our part is minmal, unless we sit a long way from the buffet.
Imagine if you will the excitement that happened when the home was told about this event. Food just didn't appear on tables so easily in those days. Someone had to hunt it, clean it, and then cook it. According to scripture, Israel was surprised when Jacob instead of Esau came in so quickly with food for him. He knew how long it generally took to put a meal on the table.
I believe the twelve baskets represent this. Remember, there were twelve disciples so twelve families behind them. Could it be that the bounty was taken home and maybe someone had to explain where the extra food came from since momma didn't cook it?
I believe that God wants us to take home the leftovers of abundance so that others may share in the glory of His work in our lives.
I do not want to hoard His glory.
I must share it with others.