I Appreciate My Children's Mother.
I appreciate the Mother of My Children ,My dear wife Alane Hutchinson.
She cares for her children , she does the best she can for them.
She sacrifices for them ,she denies herself for them.
Often when she has been given money for her birthday ,she'll take it and spend on the girls.
She makes sure they look nice and have clean clothes to wear ,she has done without so our kids could have lunch money.
She helps them fix their long hair so they look like young women.
Before she had kids ,she used to feel left out on Mother's Day ,but now Mother's day is her day.
My Dear Wife is there for her girls.
My wife prays for her girls ,and takes them to church when I have to work on sunday morning.
I appreciate the mother of my children.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.