I understand Reider has a similar fascination ... I understand the church her former husband pastored was decored excessively with cherubim ... this pervaded in the home decor ... and a child named Angel.
I think Digging's thread on mysticism ... may help in understanding this phenomena.
Some are looking for something ... a realm .... beyond Pentecost.
I understand Reider has a similar fascination ... I understand the church her former husband pastored was decored excessively with cherubim ... this pervaded in the home decor ... and a child named Angel.
I think Digging's thread on mysticism ... may help in understanding this phenomena.
Some are looking for something ... a realm .... beyond Pentecost.
And that is the problem. Some people are always looking for more, more, more, more, more. Pardon the analogy but it's kinda like a drug addict that starts off in small doses to get high. But those small doses eventually stop giving him that same high so he takes bigger and bigger doses. It's the same thing with those people that are constantly in search of the supernatural. They may get one or two experiences or maybe some of them just think they do. But after a while the high those feelings gave them wears off and they are trying to find something bigger and better again.
And that is the problem. Some people are always looking for more, more, more, more, more. Pardon the analogy but it's kinda like a drug addict that starts off in small doses to get high. But those small doses eventually stop giving him that same high so he takes bigger and bigger doses. It's the same thing with those people that are constantly in search of the supernatural. They may get one or two experiences or maybe some of them just think they do. But after a while the high those feelings gave them wears off and they are trying to find something bigger and better again.
All of that is true. However, some do indeed move deeper into the spirit and truly become more attuned to things that transpire in the supernatural. The Christian Mystic will always be very misunderstood.
(Christian mysticism is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight. Christian mysticism usually centers on a practice or practices intended to nurture those experiences or awareness, such as deep prayer (i.e. meditation, contemplation) involving the person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. This approach and lifestyle is distinguished from other forms of Christian practice by its aim of achieving unity with the divine. In the words of Oswald Chambers, "We receive His blessings and know His Word, but do we know Him?"
Whereas Christian doctrine generally maintains that God dwells in all Christians and that they can experience God directly through belief in Jesus, Christian mysticism aspires to apprehend spiritual truths inaccessible through intellectual means, typically by learning how to think like Christ. William Inge divides this scala perfectionis into three stages: the "purgative" or ascetic stage, the "illuminative" or contemplative stage, and the "unitive" stage, in which God may be beheld "face to face".)
While Pentecostal religion is just fine for most; some graduate from Pentecost... to entering into the Kingdom of God.