I need information on missionaries. I would like names, contact information, etc etc...
If you know any please get permission to send me their info.
UPCI.ORG might have info on missionaries and how to contact them. Did you try that?
I am not just wanting UPCI
=) Most of them have supporters already
I know the orgs and their sites.
I want people that others know and recommend. Folk that really need support and are doing a good work. Not all that call themselves holy and righteous are really what they say they are. I want people that want to be there and help bring the Word of God to others no matter what. People that are not into it for the 'glory' they think they are getting or the free support. I knew a man and women in a large organization that went to a country as missionaries and the money they were getting supported THEM and their causes. This included living like the rich and famous. NOT wanting anyone like that.
I am not just wanting UPCI
=) Most of them have supporters already
I know the orgs and their sites.
I want people that others know and recommend. Folk that really need support and are doing a good work. Not all that call themselves holy and righteous are really what they say they are. I want people that want to be there and help bring the Word of God to others no matter what. People that are not into it for the 'glory' they think they are getting or the free support. I knew a man and women in a large organization that went to a country as missionaries and the money they were getting supported THEM and their causes. This included living like the rich and famous. NOT wanting anyone like that.
Does the ALJC have missionaries? LOL!
I don't know of any that aren't UPC except the Alvears. She might know some others though.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
The Abraham Project in Costa Rica is an awesome project to support! We have taken two missions trips there in the past two years, and my daughter spent a year working there with the orphans. The leaders of the orphanage are Stephen and Georgiana Thomas and you can see them on www.abrahamproject.org. They are wonderful people!! There are also other missionaries working there with them - we have been supporting them all recently.
Also, there's a ministry to troubled teenage girls in a very poor part of San Jose, Costa Rica called Transformation Ministries. It is actually a ministry to Nicaraguan refugees that are living in Costa Rica, who have fled their country. Many of them don't even have places to live; they exist in the coffee fields. We support Ronald (can't think of his last name) who leads it. They are under the umbrella of Christ for the City International (www.cfci.org). You look under mission trips and go to Costa Rica and then scroll down to Transformations.
We also have 37 churches under our ministry in Kenya/Uganda and about a dozen in the Philippines, if you're just looking for places to sow money!!! (www.loveandtruthchurch.com).
The Abraham Project in Costa Rica is an awesome project to support! We have taken two missions trips there in the past two years, and my daughter spent a year working there with the orphans. The leaders of the orphanage are Stephen and Georgiana Thomas and you can see them on www.abrahamproject.org. They are wonderful people!! There are also other missionaries working there with them - we have been supporting them all recently.
Also, there's a ministry to troubled teenage girls in a very poor part of San Jose, Costa Rica called Transformation Ministries. It is actually a ministry to Nicaraguan refugees that are living in Costa Rica, who have fled their country. Many of them don't even have places to live; they exist in the coffee fields. We support Ronald (can't think of his last name) who leads it. They are under the umbrella of Christ for the City International (www.cfci.org). You look under mission trips and go to Costa Rica and then scroll down to Transformations.
We also have 37 churches under our ministry in Kenya/Uganda and about a dozen in the Philippines, if you're just looking for places to sow money!!! (www.loveandtruthchurch.com).
Thank you
I will be looking into these. I truly appreciate the information
Perhaps you could post your plans for the information...that could be why you didn't get a response.
might not be a bad idea
I am going to be getting information together on different missionaries and groups and presenting them to our ministry staff and they will be looking them over and making a decision on which ones they want for our church to sponsor. Sorry I assumed to much there. =)