Anybody remember this or ever heard of this?
We used to sing this as a congregational song back in the nineteen fifties in Wisconsin.
Verse 1
Central’s never “busy,” always on the line;
You may hear from Heaven almost any time;
’Tis a royal service, free for one and all;
When you get in trouble, give this royal line a call.
Telephone to glory, O what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Built by God the Father for His loved and own,
We may talk to Jesus thru this royal telephone.
Verse 2
There will be no charges, telephone is free,
It was built for service, just for you and me;
There will be no waiting on this royal line,
Telephone to glory always answers just in time.
Verse 3
Fail to get the answer, Satan’s crossed your wire,
By some strong delusion, or some base desire;
Take away obstructions, God is on the throne,
And you’ll get your answer thru this royal telephone.
Verse 4
If your line is “grounded,” and connection true
Has been lost with Jesus, tell you what to do;
Prayer and faith and promise, mend the broken wire,
’Till your soul is burning with the Pentecostal fire.
Verse 5
Carnal combinations cannot get control
Of this line to glory, anchored in the soul;
Storm and trial cannot disconnect the line,
Held in constant keeping by the Father’s hand divine.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
I remember quite a few years back a couple named Bob and Lena Mae Winstead sang some different words to that song. It’s been almost 50 years but I might be able to remember some of the words. I’ve heard that Bob is dead but his wife is still alive and their son pastors a church in Tennessee that Bob used to pastor. I first met Bob and Lena Mae in Niles, MI in 1958 at a Church of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Faith convention. In 1959 I met them again in Charleston, WV at a Church of Jesus Christ (Bishop Mark Lawson’s organization) convention and Bob was pastoring in Eskdale (spelling?) WV. I preached for him there one night.
Tell The Folks It’s Jesus
Verse 1
If you’d like to see Jesus, tell you what to do
Take your good old Bible and search it through and through.
You won’t find but one God, you can’t find another two
Then you’ll go out preaching this one God message too.
Tell the folks it’s Jesus, He’s the Lord divine
Can’t you see the branches abiding in the vine
Wonderful revelation! The Bible says it’s so.
He’s God of all creation and His mighty name we know.
Verse 2
If you’ve been out fighting against His holy name
Saying you’re going to Heaven, you ought to be ashamed.
But our God's forgiving, full of mercy too
If you’ll come repenting we will surely baptize you.
Verse 3
Jesus is the Father. Jesus is the Son.
Jesus is the Holy Ghost. Don’t you know these three are one
Wonderful revelation, the Bible says it’s so
He’s God of all creation and His mighty name we know.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
Anybody remember this or ever heard of this?
We used to sing this as a congregational song back in the nineteen fifties in Wisconsin.
Verse 1
Central’s never “busy,” always on the line;
You may hear from Heaven almost any time;
’Tis a royal service, free for one and all;
When you get in trouble, give this royal line a call.
Telephone to glory, O what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Built by God the Father for His loved and own,
We may talk to Jesus thru this royal telephone.
Verse 2
There will be no charges, telephone is free,
It was built for service, just for you and me;
There will be no waiting on this royal line,
Telephone to glory always answers just in time.
Verse 3
Fail to get the answer, Satan’s crossed your wire,
By some strong delusion, or some base desire;
Take away obstructions, God is on the throne,
And you’ll get your answer thru this royal telephone.
Verse 4
If your line is “grounded,” and connection true
Has been lost with Jesus, tell you what to do;
Prayer and faith and promise, mend the broken wire,
’Till your soul is burning with the Pentecostal fire.
Verse 5
Carnal combinations cannot get control
Of this line to glory, anchored in the soul;
Storm and trial cannot disconnect the line,
Held in constant keeping by the Father’s hand divine.
Words & Music: M., 1919
I heard this song once, while stationed on Okinawa, sang by a Hawaiian sister in Christ!
I thought it was corny then, but reading the lyrics sure brought back some good memories for me! Thanks for the reminder!!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
My wife is constantly trying to get me to sing that old song. I have ALWAYS hated that song, though it has been an often humorous and lighthearted of conversation - remembering the old days.
One thing I never quite understood, though... "You can hear from heaven almost any time." Almost?
Instead of studying to make sure what we believe is supported by Scripture, we MUST study the Scripture to see what IT TEACHES... then BELIEVE THAT!
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2.15 KJV