Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover
Yeah I have have seen it. I am so utterly embarrassed of the Democratic Party, and black Christians in particular who put Obama over the top. How can they possibly be so blind?
Cause he is a great orator!!! People like having their ears tickled.
His oratory is the closest to Ronald Reagan we have had since The Gipper himself.
Obama delivers beautiful, dramatic, sweeping oratory.
Of course the difference between him and Reagan is that amongst the soaring rhetoric Reagan actually had some meat. Some bedrock principles he held to and did not budge from. It was those core principles and belief that allowed him to push through a congress controlled by the opposition party most of his reforms, tax cuts, etc. when the pundits did not think he could do it.
Obama is all fluff and no meat other than promising a lot of "free" things to the have nots so they will vote for him.
Free college education, Free universal health care!!!
The sad thing is we may be at the tipping point where there are enough greedy, stupid Americans to fall for this line and vote for him.