Originally Posted by TalkLady
I recall his singing some song about "Momma" ....Something about a son who was astray for years but Momma kept praying and "now everything's all right and she could sleep tonight"...
Yes, I remember it. When I was younger my parents weren't huge music listeners... they only had a handful of records... and Lanny Wolfe Trio and Wayne Lawhorn were among them.
Seeing Lanny's name reminded me of those old records.. the Hemphills were one of the few as well...
Wayne married a girl from our church, and I just wondered where they were. It's been ages since I've seen them.
He had some very memorable songs...
"Dope and cigarettes, beer and magazines, cause a great commotion. Skatin' rinks, picture shows, pool halls dominos, men, with mixed emotions. The church has a dance hall, the preacher has a bowling ball and they think it's good clean livin'. Sunday Schools are having races, teachers have their painted faces, oh what a time we're livin;... but you gotta keep your love on things above, not on the things of the devil. You gotta keep your eyes lookin' at the skies and you will live with the Lord forever"
There was also the
"Come out of her my people, thus saith the Lord. You can find it written in your Bible revelation 18:4. You gotta be filled with the Spirit and I'll guarantee you will see... God the rock now sendin' revival to the free.
I know some Apostolics, who claim to live right. But if you preach Jerimiah 10, they get mad and wanna fight. They're so sanctified, they won't watch a tv. But their just like thier mother they still love a Christmas tree"
I think he wrote those himself lol..
He also sang one about America, has forgotten God... and the Hello Momma one... I just called to tell you, all those tears you shed for me, they were not in vain.
We had a couple tapes and a couple records of his, if I remember correctly.