There is a short article in the September '07 issues of the PH, written by Bro. Steve Warman. He pastors the Apostlic Church in Auburn Hills (Pontiac), MI...
Bro. Warman is one of the finest young men of God I know, and in this issue, he wrote,
Is God Interested In My Destiny?
His theme for this article was the story of Jacob, Laban, Rachel, and Leah...
Working seven years for the woman of his dreams, only to be deceived by Laban and joined with Leah, Jacob could have walked away.
Bro. W said that no one would have blamed him for giving up..."
Laban had toyed with his emotions, messed with his heart, and cruelly denied him the woman he loved."
But Jacob chose to chart his destiny with a positive move, that being he would work another seven years for the one he loved.
His decision "
touched off a series of events that shaped generations to come. Consider how the course of human history and the Bible would have been changed if Jacob had decided that he would not allow a temporary setback to destroy his life."
Joseph was born through the union of Jacob and Rachel...had he not been born, there would have been no one to foresee the coming famine and warn the Egyptians.
Jacob's ancestors would not have been there seeking food, moving bag and baggage to a foreign land.
Had the children of Israel not been in Egpyt, there would not have been a need for a Moses to appear on the scene.
"There would be no passover. No Exodus. No crossing of the Red Sea. No manna. No Tabernacle in the wilderness..."
None of the above and more would have occurred
"if Jacob had not made the right choice."
Pastor Warman closes...
"God is interested in your destiny. The next time life throws you for a loop and everything in you says that God does not care about you, pause for a moment and know that God is guiding you to your destiny."
What a difference one life can make...