I am performing my first baptism tomorrow
I was given the opportunity to come out to Tennessee. We were uncertain as to whether or not this was going to be a permanent move, or a visit.
My aunt and her husband opened up their home to me, or so it seemed. Two weeks into my stay, my aunt said "I'm taking you to the work force so you can find a job." I submitted an application with Tyson Foods. None of the other job offers appealed to me. I received a call to schedule an interview. I was excited. The interview was scheduled for Monday, my third week into my stay. The interview was a success. I was scheduled for orientation the following Monday, the start of week four. Things looked as they were falling into place. I was excited. I thought to myself "I'm going to stay in Tennessee and get established."
During orientation I met Dusty and Melissa. I don't know why, but I was drawn to them. It was unusual for me. I don't open up so easily to people. But, we clicked. It was a God-thing.
Thursday evening upon arrival from work, my aunts husband meets me at the door. "Take a walk with me," he says. We walked to the front of the property and he begins to drill into me, "I was all for you staying here for a month. Four weeks came pretty fast. You took way too long to get a job. Now, I missed a whole week of chopping wood because you took my truck to work. This isn't going to work. Have you been looking for a place to stay?"
"No," I answered.
He continues, "Don't make your aunt choose. Don't do that to your aunt Alicia. Don't put her in that predicament."
I thought "This guy is jealous of me for some reason. He is pretty much saying that my aunt has to choose between me or him. Weirdness.
And the band played on "We are both going to work tomorrow. I suggest you go out and find a place to stay. I don't know how you're going to get to work."
"Okay, I'll go out and look around."
Friday morning I drove to town and checked into a motel for the entire weekend. I made a few attempts to touch base back home so someone would be there to pick me up at the terminal. I couldn't reach anyone. I decided to return home after the weekend. Half the day had past and I drove to work an hour early and waited in the lot. When Dusty and Melissa drove into the parking lot I walked out to their car before they had the opportunity to park. "Follow me back to my aunts home so I can take them their truck."
We drove out to the sticks, and I was made aware that I ran a red light. I did not notice. Anyway, we arrived to my aunts place of residence. I walked inside and handed my aunt the keys.
I told my aunt, "I'm moving out." She asked "Why?"
"My schedule is going to be weird and I don't want to be coming into your home at weird hours, waking you up. I'm going to room up with my friends from work."
Lies, lies, and more lies. My aunt raised one brow, and was looking at me suspiciously. I know she didn't believe me. She didn't press for more info, and I did not want to put her at odds with her husband. I gave her a hug and she said "keep in touch."
"I will."
"Call me, keep in touch."
I walked out to Dusty and Melissa's car. We drove to work and I explained everything to them. "You can't stay in a motel," they exclaimed. "After work you can come home with us. We'll check you out of the motel."
Dusty and Melissa's shift was cut short. They were ready to leave by 9:00 p.m. I was informed that my shift that started at 4:00 p.m. was not going to be over until 4 or 5 a.m. the next morning. They couldn't wait for the duration of my shift, and I did not want them to have to drive back to get me in the morning. They live an hour away from the city in which we were employed. I did what any American would do, I walked off the job. Yeah, bad stewardship- I'm aware.
We drove to the Blue Ribbon Motel so I could check out. Dusty accompanied me to my room. He noticed that my bible was sitting on the bed.
"You read the bible?" he asked.
"Yeah. Do you?" I replied.
"Yeah, sometimes." he answered.
"What religion are you?" I asked.
To which he simply responded, "Pentecostal."
I smiled, "So am I."
I usually don't make it a point to ride in cars with 'strangers', and I would never have thought that I would stay in the home of someone that I didn't know all that well. During the drive to Dusty and Melissa's home I began to have doubts. You know, the usual, "Lord, I am scared. I don't really know them. I'm out in the sticks. What if they cut me to pieces when I'm asleep. Anyone can claim to be a Christian or a pentecostal. Pentecostal- he just thought of it at a whim."
Sunday Dusty and Melissa took me to their church, Decherd Church of God. I filled out the visitor card. I wrote in "United Pentecostal Church" where it asked for church affiliation. I enjoyed the service. I have never attended a Trinitarian church that allowed the Spirit of God to minister, until I attended Decherd Church of God. I proceeded to the front of the church for the altar call.
I was approached by the pastor, "I assume that you know the Lord."
"Yes," I answered with a pleasant smile.
"Can I pray for you?" he asked.
"Yeah. You can pray for me." I answered.
Pastor Carr stood facing me. He took my hands into his and began to pray for me. I prayed under my breath. Pastor Carr then hugged me, and I think he may have even greeted me with 'an holy kiss.'
After Sunday evening's service I approached Pastor Carr.
"I am from the oneness movement. Are you familiar with that."
"Yes, I am familiar with that." he answered.
Pastor Carr then proceeded, "I believe that they baptized in Jesus' name,
but I baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost because Jesus
said to do it like that. I'm not trying to argue or convert you. Baptism isn't
what saves you. The blood saves you. That's the way I sincerely see it.
Now, if I seen it the way you do I wouldn't be in the Church of God. I would
be in the United Pentecostal church."
I wasn't going to enter into a debate. I was thankful that he took the opportunity to be transparent with me.
Dusty and Melissa believe that God sent me to them. Why? They don't know. My spirit bears witness, but I wasn't sure as to why our paths crossed. Now I am.
A few nights ago I told Dusty, "the Lord wants you to be filled with the Holy Ghost."
Today I gave Dusty a simple bible study on the baptism of the Holy Ghost and baptism in Jesus name.
Dusty said, "I see it. I believe what you showed me. You didn't twist nothing. It's right there in the word of God."
And now to the conclusion of this post. Tomorrow I am going to baptize Dusty in the name of the Lord Jesus.