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Old 11-26-2007, 02:43 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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what's there left to preach about?

I have been listening to preaching for years. I've read the bible several times. I feel like I can say, "I've heard every message under the sun."

Churches can preach about soul-winning, discipleship and spiritual maturity. What else is there to preach about?

If you live a just life and witness to the lost about Christ what else is there to learn? Do churches eventually move on to such issues as personal empowerment and the social gospel of helping the poor or go off on a tangent preaching about the prophetic doomsday apocalypse to come?

What was last sunday's sermon about in your church and how were you personally edified by it?

still waiting for the "latter rain"
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Old 11-26-2007, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
I have been listening to preaching for years. I've read the bible several times. I feel like I can say, "I've heard every message under the sun."

Churches can preach about soul-winning, discipleship and spiritual maturity. What else is there to preach about?

If you live a just life and witness to the lost about Christ what else is there to learn? Do churches eventually move on to such issues as personal empowerment and the social gospel of helping the poor or go off on a tangent preaching about the prophetic doomsday apocalypse to come?

What was last sunday's sermon about in your church and how were you personally edified by it? still waiting for the "latter rain"

Sunday morning our guest speaker preached about the battle that is still very much raging in the spirit, that we can't see with our eyes but we must be aware of. How we can't sit back but we must engage the enemey of our souls lest we be caught sitting down in the heat of the battle.

To be honest, I was really preoccupied with my newborn who decided it was time to eat and fuss... so I didn't get out of it what I wanted to. Sun PM my infant AND my toddler kept me distracted.
I find that happens to me a lot now in service, but that's no reflection on the preacher or the message being preached.

What do you mean exactly by "still waiting for the latter rain"?
Mrs. LPW

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:15 PM
Jodiah91 Jodiah91 is offline
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I have message after message preached out of perhaps the same text or bible story, but each time there is something new or different that I haven't thought about before. I think we could study until our eyeballs cross, day in and day out, and still never truly know the depths of our God.
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Old 11-27-2007, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Jodiah91 View Post
I have message after message preached out of perhaps the same text or bible story, but each time there is something new or different that I haven't thought about before. I think we could study until our eyeballs cross, day in and day out, and still never truly know the depths of our God.
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Old 11-27-2007, 12:42 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Originally Posted by Ms. LPW View Post
Sunday morning our guest speaker preached about the battle that is still very much raging in the spirit, that we can't see with our eyes but we must be aware of. How we can't sit back but we must engage the enemey of our souls lest we be caught sitting down in the heat of the battle.

To be honest, I was really preoccupied with my newborn who decided it was time to eat and fuss... so I didn't get out of it what I wanted to. Sun PM my infant AND my toddler kept me distracted.
I find that happens to me a lot now in service, but that's no reflection on the preacher or the message being preached.

What do you mean exactly by "still waiting for the latter rain"?
I wanted to say with this thread, that I'm tired of meaningless sermons and was hoping fellow AFF'ers would share the edification they have received from their respective services. "still waiting for the latter rain" means I'm anxiously awaiting a move of God or to hear a message from someone who has been in touch with God.

Anthony Mangun is the closest I've heard of someone that wants to "hear from God." But from what I've heard, the greatest revelation he preaches is "intimacy with God in prayer". That is something that is accesible by anyone. Why isn't God speaking to more people, more often?

ie: Who among us is declaring "thus saith the Lord"? did it happen at your local service? How were you edified by your local sermon?
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Old 11-27-2007, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
I'm anxiously awaiting a move of God or to hear a message from someone who has been in touch with God.

I will be preaching Sunday at 1 PM in Portsmouth, OH. We would love for you to come. You will find someone preaching who has been in touch with God because I refuse to preach until I have been.
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Old 11-27-2007, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Joseph Miller View Post
I will be preaching Sunday at 1 PM in Portsmouth, OH. We would love for you to come. You will find someone preaching who has been in touch with God because I refuse to preach until I have been.
I look at things this way as well.

The sermon should touch God and his throne.

Then it will touch the rest of us...

Having the heartbeat is what I call it...

Joseph I know you have it.

Keep on keeping on!
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:25 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
I have been listening to preaching for years. I've read the bible several times. I feel like I can say, "I've heard every message under the sun."

Churches can preach about soul-winning, discipleship and spiritual maturity. What else is there to preach about?

If you live a just life and witness to the lost about Christ what else is there to learn? Do churches eventually move on to such issues as personal empowerment and the social gospel of helping the poor or go off on a tangent preaching about the prophetic doomsday apocalypse to come?

What was last sunday's sermon about in your church and how were you personally edified by it?

still waiting for the "latter rain"
Maybe this is why so many fellas out there pounding the pavement are content to simply make things up!

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Old 11-26-2007, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
Maybe this is why so many fellas out there pounding the pavement are content to simply make things up!

Please don't turn this thread into another one of "those" threads...

unless that is what the starter of the thread intended.

Is it?
Mrs. LPW

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Old 11-26-2007, 09:42 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Ms. LPW View Post
Please don't turn this thread into another one of "those" threads...

unless that is what the starter of the thread intended.

Is it?
It is kind of interesting when I contrast young preachers with young sales- men out of college. They both want a new edge, to be better than the guy before him, they try sooooo bloomin hard and they end up being more annoying than anything else.

I get a kick out of a youngster telling me how hard life is, and all the miles, and all the tribulation...give me a break.

There is only one young man I heard recently who had a fresh approach and even then and greatfully so, you could see he gave honor to his heroes in the ministry by emulating them.

Bro. Royce Wilson is that guy.

As for innovative sermons, I have to admit there were a few guys out of JCM who were/are able to set up, build, structure, and deliver a tremendous sermon. It was obvious these guys did their time studying, thinking, researching and praying.

Bro. David Elms is one of those guys.
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