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Old 07-07-2007, 01:16 AM
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Episcopal priest says she also is Muslim

Episcopal priest says she also is Muslim Fri Jul 6, 9:41 PM ET

An Episcopal priest who announced that she is also a practicing Muslim has been suspended from the priesthood for a year.

The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding has been a priest for 23 years and until March was director of faith formation at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle. In a story published in The Seattle Times last month, she said she also has been a practicing Muslim for 15 months after being profoundly moved by an introduction to Islamic prayer.

For the full story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070707/...U8o1I9Egg7Xs8F

Last edited by Tina; 08-03-2007 at 05:13 PM. Reason: *copyright laws
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Old 07-07-2007, 05:51 PM
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Maybe I am displaying my ignorance here, but I thought that Islam taught that Jesus is not YHWH God in flesh, that He did not die on the cross for our sins, that He did not rise from the dead the third day, that He did not ascend to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God, and that He did prophesy the coming of Mohammed as the Paraclete. That does not sound like Christianity to me. It may sound like a modernist, watered-down, humanist version of Christianity but not real Christianity based on the Word of God.

P.S. I have not read the Koran so my understanding of Islam is second hand at best.
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Old 07-09-2007, 10:06 AM

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Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Maybe I am displaying my ignorance here, but I thought that Islam taught that Jesus is not YHWH God in flesh, that He did not die on the cross for our sins, that He did not rise from the dead the third day, that He did not ascend to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God, and that He did prophesy the coming of Mohammed as the Paraclete. That does not sound like Christianity to me. It may sound like a modernist, watered-down, humanist version of Christianity but not real Christianity based on the Word of God.

P.S. I have not read the Koran so my understanding of Islam is second hand at best.
You are not displaying ignorance. There is absolutely no way one can be an Episcopalian and a Muslim! Redding should be required to repent of her apostasy or, if she refuses to repent, to leave the Episcopal Church entirely.
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