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Old 07-26-2016, 05:31 AM
Bro_P2u Bro_P2u is offline
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5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Hey all just decided to have talk about 5 fold ministry gifts and spiritual gifts.
Can anyone (if you dont mind) tell me how you received your call to this prophetic office or if called in other offices please share. As well as the steps and processes of becoming this vessel for our Lord. I have spoke to men and women of God and everyone is different. How do we know if God has given us gifts. Say you pray an see image's in your mind of people's faces and you get no understanding about it what do you do with that after you have asked the Lord and no answer. Or if you feel spirits coming off of other people and latching on to yourself or others. For example i sat by a particular person and the spirit that was on them in service jumped on me. What do you do with that.! Are these gifts? By the way it was a familiar spirit how do you keep this from doing this after you get it off besides avoiding people with it on them. Any seasoned saints that can help?
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Old 07-26-2016, 02:55 PM
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Spirits jumping off of people and on to you, in service?

Either you're in the wrong place, or you need to stop and do some inventory...
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Old 07-26-2016, 03:21 PM
Bro_P2u Bro_P2u is offline
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Well its not the place nor is it inventory.
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Old 07-26-2016, 03:57 PM
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Originally Posted by Bro_P2u View Post
Well its not the place nor is it inventory.
How long have you been a Christian?

Also, were you or are you involved in a church associated with Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, ORU, or the Vineyard churches or Calvary Chapel, IHOP, Derek Prince, the Toronto Blessing, or "the River"?
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Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

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Old 07-27-2016, 10:29 AM
thephnxman thephnxman is offline
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Originally Posted by Bro_P2u View Post
Well its not the place nor is it inventory.
Brother Esaias made an honest comment and asked an honest
question, re: "place or inventory".

Beloved, it can most definitely be a place, or inventory of self. Many
places and persons "preach faith" and also ABOUT the Lord Jesus, but
DO NOT necessarily preach the gospel that saves nor the doctrine that
helps KEEP them that obey saved!

Faith does not "save" us; rather, "...by grace are you SAVED, THROUGH
faith...it is the gift of God."
All the men listed by Brother Esaias (except
maybe one: Kenneth Hagin) are men that preach faith, but not the gospel
that saves and most do not believe in the NEED to be baptized, not even in
"...the NAME that is above every name that is named." Now if they do not
believe in baptism in the NAME, neither do they believe in the NEED to be
filled with the Holy Spirit. "Just believe", they say!

" A man cannot give what he doesn't have."
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Old 07-26-2016, 04:02 PM
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Originally Posted by Bro_P2u View Post
Hey all just decided to have talk about 5 fold ministry gifts and spiritual gifts.
Can anyone (if you dont mind) tell me how you received your call to this prophetic office or if called in other offices please share. As well as the steps and processes of becoming this vessel for our Lord. I have spoke to men and women of God and everyone is different. How do we know if God has given us gifts. Say you pray an see image's in your mind of people's faces and you get no understanding about it what do you do with that after you have asked the Lord and no answer. Or if you feel spirits coming off of other people and latching on to yourself or others. For example i sat by a particular person and the spirit that was on them in service jumped on me. What do you do with that.! Are these gifts? By the way it was a familiar spirit how do you keep this from doing this after you get it off besides avoiding people with it on them. Any seasoned saints that can help?
Follow scripture. Be filled with God, His Ways, His Life.

The rest will fall into place by His will.

Demons are to be cast out.

But you need to make sure its demons being cast out, and not your own imagination about other people. Look at scripture, it will show you what demons are like and the people who have them.

Demons cannot "be still" when the Lord is present, they will act out.

75% of what passes for spiritual warfare these days is bunkum. Stick to the Bible, the devil hates that more than ANYTHING.
Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

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Old 02-24-2017, 10:58 PM
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Follow scripture. Be filled with God, His Ways, His Life.

The rest will fall into place by His will.

Demons are to be cast out.

But you need to make sure its demons being cast out, and not your own imagination about other people. Look at scripture, it will show you what demons are like and the people who have them.

Demons cannot "be still" when the Lord is present, they will act out.

75% of what passes for spiritual warfare these days is bunkum. Stick to the Bible, the devil hates that more than ANYTHING.

Dude you ain't kidding! It was when I was quoting scripture under the prompting of the Spirit that the demons my wife was bound with manifested. Later on she told me as I was speaking the Word they were shaking.

I'm nothing there is nothing special about me but the Word is powerful. It not only will sustain you but it is a mighty weapon to be wielded.

I'm no expert but if you're full of the HolyGhost there is no place for any other spirits.

If it IS a demon be prepared for all kinds of craziness, false tongues that will be used to get you to drop your guard, fake unconsciousness, intimidation and bluffing.

Don't waste time in engaging it in conversation and you don't negotiate. Treat it like you would a serial killer that wants its name in the paper...You don't give it the opportunity and to save you a lot of headache command it to be silent in Jesus name. There's nothing you need to know from it you're there to cast it out not play 20 questions. Some people think they "have to learn its name." I don't mean to be insulting but that's crazy. You have the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ its name isn't what matters....HIS however is what makes all the difference. When a general gives a command to a private he doesn't have to ask the private his name...He exercises the authority that has been given to him and the private has to obey. Such as it is when using the authority of the Name of Jesus.

OK off my soapbox lol sorry
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 02-24-2017, 11:10 PM
Bro_P2u Bro_P2u is offline
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

Amen to that!!
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Old 07-27-2016, 07:18 AM
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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

I have volunteered for every position I have ever filled at a church. When leadership wanted me somewhere else, I accepted the change.

Having a Bible college education really helps. So does having a background in business.

Whatever gifts I have are determined by others who ask for it. The pastor and the board determine where I fit in.

That is how it has worked out for me.
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Old 07-27-2016, 08:01 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: 5 fold ministry/spiritual gifts

It is my understanding that spirits don't "jump on" anyone.

While most will likely not have heard of what I'm about to say, I've found experience to support it. Man is a trichotomy composed of body, soul, and spirit. Each contain various aspects of our being. Many might present it like this:
Body (Soma)
1.) Flesh
2.) Biological
3.) Earthly

Soul (Psuche)
1.) Reason
2.) Will
3.) Emotion

Spirit (Pneuma)
1.) Life Force (breath of life)
2.) Inner man (higher self)
3.) Intuition (spiritual awareness)
Most depict these parts of our trichotomy in a manner with the spirit residing in the center of man, surrounded by the soul, and the soul surrounded by the body. One chart I remember was presented by Clarence Larkin (I'll have it attached to this post at the bottom).

However, this is a little misleading. The "spirit" of a man, one's "life force" or "essence of life" or "breath of life", while seated at the core of a man's being... extends beyond the body as far as roughly 2 to 3 ft. (on average) and can actually "extend" even further. And so, we often "sense" other spirits or spiritual things that enter, or pass through, our field of "spirit". They are not "jumping on" us.... we are sensing them moving within "the spirit".

For example, it would be improper to say, "I felt a demon jump on me." It would be more accurate to say, "I feel something demonic in the spirit." However, the most reliable way to tell if an evil spirit is present is through the Holy Spirit's gift of "discerning spirits".

The discerning of spirits is valuable in that one with the gift can discern as to if they are dealing with a demonic spirit or a human spirit. The soul can set the tone or health of one's spirit. You see, sometimes people we encounter have a negativity from the soul that sets the general tone or health of their spirit. Imagine that a person stands next to you on a crowded bus. Do you "feel" their spirit? Yes. Why? Your spirits are "intermingling". And often when these people walk away they leave a residual negativity in your spirit. If their spirit is filled with demons, these demons might try to stick around in your spirit. Through prayer and being filled with the Holy Spirit we can cleanse the spirit of any negativity or demonic entities by driving them out with God's presence and strengthen our spirits from attack.

You can experiment with this reality by paying close attention when you come within a foot or two of someone. You might be surprised with what the Holy Spirit in you reveals just with them being so close. You might get visions, images, sense feelings, sensations, hear sounds or songs, etc. In fact, you'll discover that by extending your hand to shake hands, you're actually holding them at bay, preventing them from coming too close. Experiment with this, you'll be surprised at what you can pick up in another's spirit through the Spirit. So make sure that you're prayed up.

I'll also include a chart (with Larkin's) that I just made to try to describe what I'm trying to explain.
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Last edited by Aquila; 07-27-2016 at 08:31 AM.
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