“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be -- with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be -- I don’t even want to contemplate that,”
“He is a faker."
"He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that,"
First: RBG's comments were inappropriate and wrong, due to her position as a sitting Supreme Court Justice. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have rightly spoken out against her biased comments. A sitting Justice, while able to vote and have political opinions, according to the code of Judges may not publicly support or oppose a candidate.
What she said was spot on. Trump IS a fake. He has no record of consistency. He does have an incredibly large ego. And it's unbelievable he's been given a pass by the press on his tax returns.
But as right as she was about Trump, RBG was wrong to voice her opinions publicly and has violated the public's trust.
Now, what's amusing about this is you have Trumpsters who have bashed obama about his comments against the SCOTUS Justices, who are now bashing RBG for what she said --- yet those same Trumpsters defended Trump when he channeled obama and attacked a sitting Federal Judge over nothing more than the Judge's heritage and race!
A Justice should not attack candidates, nor should a POTUS (or candidate for POTUS) attack a sitting Judge.
She seemed out of place in doing this-- regardless if she was right or wrong.
Someone in her position and of her stature should not have entered into the political fray.
I don't want this, but she should resign IMMEDIATELY.
What incredibly poor judgment she has practiced!
I am really, really shocked!
I agree she was wrong and used poor judgment. I don't believe she should resign over it. An apology is in order, but nothing more. It'd set a bad precedent.
Because if she's forced to resign over the comments, every liberal alive will be scrutinizing conservative Justice's comments and demanding resignation if any seem to be political.
I agree she was wrong and used poor judgment. I don't believe she should resign over it. An apology is in order, but nothing more. It'd set a bad precedent.
Because if she's forced to resign over the comments, every liberal alive will be scrutinizing conservative Justice's comments and demanding resignation if any seem to be political.
While I agree that the precedent set COULD be dangerous, the precedent she has now set IS DANGEROUS!
She has embarrassed the Court and her own legacy.
She needs to be forced to resign immediately.
The SCOTUS just should not become part of the political landscape! The big picture-- SHE HAS CHANGED THE POLITICAL POSTURE OF THE SCOTUS!
I don't understand why more people don't see this and are not troubled by it.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Not surprising. This shows what we have known all along, that the SCOTUS practices politics.
The judiciary in this country is on its way to becoming like the judiciary in Venezeula.
The highest court there has backed the government something 40,000 times and voted against them zero, since the Chavista takeover.
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan
If you believe RBG should resign over these comments, then you should also believe obama should have resigned over his comments against SCOTUS a few years ago.
"She should not be launching attacks at any presidential candidate. And Justice Ginsburg attacking Donald Trump was every bit as inappropriate as Barack Obama, during the State of the Union, falsely maligning the justices of the Supreme Court. It is yet another manifestation of this Supreme Court becoming more and more political. As unelected judges seize public policy issues that the constitution gives to elected legislatures, we see the Democratic authority of the people undermined.I think her comments are not the problem, they’re a symptom of the problem which is the politicization of the Supreme Court. We need justices who will be faithful to the law and constitution and not be political actors.”
Hahahahahahahaha! Even though what she said is TRUE, she shouldn't have said it out loud as a Supreme Court justice.