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Old 02-15-2015, 07:57 AM
phareztamar phareztamar is offline
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Sent Down From Heaven


My seventh book begins at the fourth, and ends at the sixth trumpet of Revelation. The amazing images in these three trumpets, challenge even the most savvy student of the scriptures. As the trumpets sound, the lines often blur between the physical and the spiritual worlds. One might easily be so overwhelmed as to forget, that the worst of God's wrath is still ahead, in the seven vials.

This book doesn't offer the answers about Revelation's mysteries that you may be seeking. It's more a book of questions than answers. Questions...it is hoped...that will challenge you to consider some of these things, for the time is at hand.

This last book of the scriptures...the book of Revelation...can only be viewed with Holy Ghost filled eyes. All others are locked out. And for those few, it must be viewed through the lens of our own day...here at the close of the sixth 1,000 years. And what a day indeed that we live in.

A brief word then on our blessedness. We are eternal. Of spiritual certainty; we came from eternity, and to eternity we shall return. In between is this wonderful, very brief moment called life. A moment lived-out beneath a vail of forgetfulness, lest we recall that eternity. A moment lived day to day, until an uncertain end. Our nano-7,000 years is as a grain of sand, in the forever desert of eternity.

And though we are but the tiniest of pinpoints in the vast, endless cosmos; yet are we the geographic center of the universe. This because of the creation of life, and the birth of God's son. No need to do the astrophysical math. We are the focal point and prism of all space and time...and as rare as hen's teeth.

Add to this rarity called life, the further confines of salvation to the Hebrew people. Our blessedness becomes crystal clear. Because the hard truth is; the vast majority of humanity lived and died, having never found salvation. Entire civilizations and kingdoms have risen and fallen, not knowing the Hebrew God. Whole races of people millions strong worshipping idols of every sort, with fantastical creation stories that mock sound reasoning.

The Sumaritan, Hittite, Amorite, Chinese, Austrian, Roman, Assyrian, Perrizite, Hivite, Philistine, Mede, Persian, Indian, Egyptian, Iranian, Greek, The Huns, Arab, Russian, Mongolian, Phoenician, Ethiopian, Nordic, Babylonian, Lydian, Serbian, Carthaginian, Turk, Afghan, Italian, Hungarian, Teuton, Frank, Polish, Australian, Spanish, Aegean, Japanese...

Kingdom after kingdom after nation after nation. Warring, building, prospering, and living-out their days, never knowing the Hebrew God. Across 6,000 years of civilization, Jesus paints this narrowest of gates:

Salvation is of the Jews.

Both the natural born, and we who are grafted in.

It's hard to over-emphasize just how thin a slice the chosen people of God really are...amongst the masses of humanity, across the ages of kingdoms and nations. It rivals the single sperm who claims the egg, while millions of others are purged in the draught of failure.

The book title...Sent Down From Heaven...seems to be a latent theme of the book of Revelation. Throughout the previous sixty-five books of scripture, we've caught glimpses of heaven here and there. But in Revelation, more than ever before, are things sent down from heaven.

Ever been in an airplane, on a day when clouds cover the land below like a blanket? We cannot see the earth from up there. We see only a beautiful cotton quilt stretching to the horizon. But God see's through the clouds. Moreover, an entire spiritual world...billions strong...see's through the clouds. And for this very short moment called life, we are the only show in town.
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Old 02-15-2015, 01:11 PM
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KeptByTheWord KeptByTheWord is offline
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Re: Sent Down From Heaven

Your writing has powerful imagery and poetic form. It is hard to imagine all the billions of people through the ages who have never known Christ. How thankful we should all be that Jesus, the way, the truth and the life has become made known to us!
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Old 02-15-2015, 10:29 PM
phareztamar phareztamar is offline
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Re: Sent Down From Heaven

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
Your writing has powerful imagery and poetic form. It is hard to imagine all the billions of people through the ages who have never known Christ. How thankful we should all be that Jesus, the way, the truth and the life has become made known to us!
Amen my friend. And thank you for your kind words.
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