Not completing her first term as Gov. can't help any future political aspirations. There had been a lot of speculation that she wouldn't seek re-election in 2010, but it's way to early to see this as a chance for her to begin to run for President in 2012. This is plain odd.
Do we have another story about to unfold here?
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
I just watched her annoucement and it was very weird.
She rambled on about not wanting to be a lame duck, wasting the tax payer's money as a lame duck, not doing politics as usual, going on wasteful trade missions like other governors and wanting to do what was right for the people.
I have no clue why she felt like she couldn't successfully end her term as Governor that the people elected her to, but she assured everyone it was the right thing to do for Alaska.
All of her interviews and statements during the election, made me question her, but the announcement today and the way she delivered it makes me think her career in politics may be over.
The McCain aides got this one completely right. She is WEIRD!
I just watched her annoucement and it was very weird.
She rambled on about not wanting to be a lame duck, wasting the tax payer's money as a lame duck, not doing politics as usual, going on wasteful trade missions like other governors and wanting to do what was right for the people.
I have no clue why she felt like she couldn't successfully end her term as Governor that the people elected her to, but she assured everyone it was the right thing to do for Alaska.
All of her interviews and statements during the election, made me question her, but the announcement today and the way she delivered it makes me think her career in politics may be over.
The McCain aides got this one completely right. She is WEIRD!
You might be weird too, if every moved you made the leftist media demonized you. A half million personal debt, just to defend against the left using public money to wear her down. Every time she traveled they scrutinized every detail to try to find some wrong doing, it is leftist mode of operation, use other people's money to buy support. Tear down so they can implement the goofy policies currently coming out of DC.
American is in trouble, the barbarians are not just at the gate they are in control of government and the media.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
You might be weird too, if every moved you made the leftist media demonized you. A half million personal debt, just to defend against the left using public money to wear her down. Every time she traveled they scrutinized every detail to try to find some wrong doing, it is leftist mode of operation, use other people's money to buy support. Tear down so they can implement the goofy policies currently coming out of DC.
American is in trouble, the barbarians are not just at the gate they are in control of government and the media.
Ummm, welcome to American politics. You do remember the effort and money that the right wing nuts spent on tearing down Bill Clinton so they could implement their NeoCon policies from 2000-08 right?
Sarah Palin didn't receive any worse treatment than everyone who runs for President and VP in this country.
Now, I'd agree she apparently hasn't handled it well and that's too bad, but let's not throw a poor Sarah party here.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Ummm, welcome to American politics. You do remember the effort and money that the right wing nuts spent on tearing down Bill Clinton so they could implement their NeoCon policies from 2000-08 right?
Sarah Palin didn't receive any worse treatment than everyone who runs for President and VP in this country.
Now, I'd agree she apparently hasn't handled it well and that's too bad, but let's not throw a poor Sarah party here.
Oh please tell me what NeoCon policies were implemented from 2000-08?
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Ummm, welcome to American politics. You do remember the effort and money that the right wing nuts spent on tearing down Bill Clinton so they could implement their NeoCon policies from 2000-08 right?
Sarah Palin didn't receive any worse treatment than everyone who runs for President and VP in this country.
Now, I'd agree she apparently hasn't handled it well and that's too bad, but let's not throw a poor Sarah party here.
Nonsense, the Demos threw everything including the kitchen sink at her. Bill Clinton was a womanizer that made it very easy to expose. Sarah Palin is a decent human being that has been demonized by completely corrupt win at any cost politicians.
It was stupid of John McCain to pick her with so little time for her to prepare, and she was definitely not prepared.
I saw GWB change from a weak speaking governor to be able to win to terms, but it took months and months of prep.
So, I believe that was the main problem she was just not vetted and prepared for the national stage.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
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Re: Sarah Palin announces she will resign
Originally Posted by MikeinAR
Ummm, welcome to American politics. You do remember the effort and money that the right wing nuts spent on tearing down Bill Clinton so they could implement their NeoCon policies from 2000-08 right?
Sarah Palin didn't receive any worse treatment than everyone who runs for President and VP in this country.
Now, I'd agree she apparently hasn't handled it well and that's too bad, but let's not throw a poor Sarah party here.
You are either blind,deaf or possibly both. If the media trashed Obama's family like they have Sarah's he's pass a law making it illegal. I remember when they tried that in Missouri during pre election campaigns.