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Old 02-12-2009, 02:29 PM
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The first time....

...God made Himself real to me.

This has been on my mind all day. Don't know why, just hope it is a blessing to someone.

I come from what can be politely called a dysfunctional childhood. Truth is, it was downright abusive. My dad was an alcoholic. The worst kind. An abusive, wife and child beating alcoholic. My mother died when I was young and I had to live with my dad. When I was 13 my sister, who lived with relatives in Miami, told me about Jesus. I didn't know how to pray- but, I knew I wanted the Lord in my life- anything would be better than what I had. To pray, I read my prayers out of a little catholic prayer book.

One night, my dad beat me pretty bad and threw me out of the house. I had no where to go and it was raining like you wouldn't believe. So, I went into the alley behind a little convenience store where there was a dumpster full of cardboard boxes. I got some boxes, made me a little shelter and thats where I spent the night. I knelt under that cardboard and prayed, reading my prayers. I then laid down. After a while, the storm got worse- the wind was blowing and lightning lit up the sky. My shelter was quickly becoming a soggy mess. Thru it all, though, I heard, or thought I heard, the unmistakable voice of a policeman. He said, "Get up, and go home". I uncovered my head and looked around, but no one was there. A minute or so later, there it was again, louder: "Get up...and go home". I looked around again, no one. I laid down again, and, as soon as I did, again...the voice, much louder..."GET UP... AND GO HOME!" I jumped up, grabbed my prayer book and ran as fast as I could down the street.

The house was dark, I knew my dad was passed out. Though the doors were locked, I crawled thru my bedroom window and slipped quietly into the house. The rain stopped, and I started to get out of my wet clothes when I heard a voice call my name. Was my dad awake? Was I in for another beating? No...there it was again, "Rick!" It was a womans voice coming from outside. I looked, and saw my sister running towards me. She said that they had been praying for me and sensed I was in trouble. They drove thru the pouring rain all the way from Miami to Hollywood to get me.

My sister took me to stay with a relative in Miami, where, a few days later, I began to attend an Apostolic Church where I repented of my sins and was baptized in Jesus Name in November, 1970. On Jan 30, 1971, I recieved the Holy Ghost in an R. W. Schambach meeting.

Why am I writing this? I don't know except to say this: That was one of the lowest points in my life- and the Lord came to my rescue. There have been other low points... many in fact... but, thru them all, I can look back and see God's Hand protecting me, keeping me from harm. You may be going thru one of those low points. If so, that same God who made Himself real to me in the pouring rain, will make Himself real to you... if you'll just "Get Up...and Go Home"!
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 02-12-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: The first time....

You might be interested in reading this:

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Old 02-12-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: The first time....

Thank you One Accord as this is a blessing and it ministered to me.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 02-12-2009, 03:42 PM
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Re: The first time....

Thank you OA, for sharing. It is true that God is faithful in the midst of the worst things. God bless you!
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
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Old 02-12-2009, 03:40 PM
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Re: The first time....

Our Heavenly Father's eye has always been upon you from the very beginning. I admire your spirit.

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