Originally Posted by scotty
I don't think He was poor either, but the soilders gambled on his clothes because he was professed King of the Jews. It also says that they put a robe of royal color on Him so it could have been worth something.
As far as support in food, the old law said that the farmers must leave the corners of their fields for the poor, at one time Jesus and the disciples picked from one these corners. Lets not forget the loaves and fishes, I look at that plus where each gospel says that there were many more miracles performed but too numorous to write and I can't help but wonder how many times they had mana from heaven (and not the kind you can order from that preacher on TV ) But I do believe they had funds, He told many to sell all they have and follow Him. How much did He bless that and multiply it?
I will go on record as saying that the "hyper-prosperity"--as it has been called--doctrine is not one I personally adhere to...
I also make no claim whatsoever that I have any biblical proof as to the financial state of Jesus while growing up...there just isn't enough scripture to make a claim one way or the other that I remember....but there again I may have forgotten or may have missed it...
I just think it it not sound to make a statement against prosperity preaching using a trumped up reason like--"Jesus was poor"...when there is no sufficient scriptural backing for such a claim.
I think that tradition leads us to think Jesus was born into a poor family BECAUSE of his humble beginning in a stable...BUT...the stable was a result of many travelers---NOT the financial means of Joseph and Mary.
Also, the lack of contextualization causes some to take Jesus' words concerning not having somewhere to lay his head although the birds have nests and the foxes have holes out of their proper perspective.....
AGAIN, this statement is NOT one of the lack of finances...this statement is about Jesus the messiah being a man without a country because his own refused him and turned him away...and following him was to sacrifice all of those creature comforts for his cross...
Again, not talking about being broke...he's talking about the messiah ministry and its price.....