It does say in the bible that everyone who repents and is baptized will receive the Holy Spirit.
Good job, freeatlast. You went right to the point.
100% agree that not everyone they have seen repent and be baptized in Jesus name has spoken in tongues YET
Acts 2:38 plainly states that those who repent and are baptized
SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Everyone who repents and is baptized in Jesus name
SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Since all who've repented and have been baptized in Jesus name have not spoken in tongues, it follows that either:
A) The author was in error and NOT ALL who repent and are baptized in Jesus name SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost
B) The author was correct and all who repent and are baptized in Jesus name indeed SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost but this does not mean they will ALL speak in tongues.
I, personally, choose "B" because I believe
Acts 2:38.
If the evidential tongues doctrine is true, why have NOT ALL spoken in tongues who have repented and have been baptized in Jesus name?