Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
Jesus was a liberal. Dont feel like typing it all out. If you want me to explain let me know.
my dear friend. you can type from now until the return of our sweet clean Lord Jesus Christ himself, but all you will do is type some mumbojumbomanmadehukum that has nothing whatsoever to do with what Jesus is.
Jesus was and is not bound by man made ideas that define our methods and proceedures. he was no more liberal than he was conservative. Jesus is what he has always been. That is the very definition of Righteous, Just and Holy.
attempting to suggest that he is somehow conformed to a man made concept we use to discribe each other is nonsense.
Jesus was radical to those who had changed the Eternal Truths of God into an institutionalized religion that they controled and benifited from
Jesus was reactionary to any who attempted to take his words and twist them into something other than what he meant.
And Jesus, told his closest followers that he spoke in such a way that only the pure in heart would understand.
Let please not pigionhole God.