Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Now for the rest of the story. Elder Wiliams at that time has the Apostolic Bible College if not the first one of the first in the UPC. Men were pressuring Elder Williams to relax his standard against wedding bands since people from all over the nation were coming to college there. A man out of the Tulsa church had married a lady from the North who put her own ring on and refused to take it off. Elder Williams said that the outside pressure had gotten so great that morning he had decided to relax his stand and as he made his way to the pulpit NO ONE knowng what he was going to say this woman screamed out her ring had broken in pieces and fell into her lap. When Elder Williams told the congregation what he had planned to the the power of the Lord fell in the congregation for hours. Mock if you want but Gid gave this sign to show this congregation the stand he had made was correct. Elder Bean had been there preaching and it had upset the woman. My memory may be foggy on all the details but in summary this is what happened. I am told at LIfe Tabernacle a prophecy was given and the power of God fell and revival exploded during Elder Bean's revival and the stand Elder Kilgore took on rings at that time. The prophecy was given that Life Tabernacle would effect the world and Pentecost because of this committment after that Search for Truth was born. Mock if you want(not speaking of Felicity she is too much of a lady to do that.) But signs have always accompanied moves of God.
Very interesting!
I guess what caught my attention is the fact that this lady REFUSED to take her ring off. Perhaps it was the rebellion and insubordination that was being addressed rather than the fact of the ring.
I think the ring breaking could be symbolic of the fact that the woman's unsubmissive spirit and or rebellion needed to be broken moreso than a sign that wearing a ring is a transgression in God's sight.