Originally Posted by Kutless
McCain just lost my vote!
He lost my vote back in 2000 when he went off his meds and attacked Christian conservatives.
I'm from AZ and if the Dems had someone to run against him . . . say Janet Napolitano . . .
McCain would get crushed in a landslide. I think that's why he's going for President again. He won't run for Senate again. Right now he's too unpopular here. If he makes it to the AZ Primary, he won't win his home state.
He's too much a RINO. His amnesty proposal is extremely unpopular. He's out of touch with the voters here. And since he's announced his run for the Presidency, he's missed so many votes on the Hill that people are really angry here. He's not doing his job right now.
I'd vote for Obama or Clinton before I'd vote for
As it is,
McCain won't last the Primary. He's old. He's disabled. People see him on television and he just doesn't look Presidential, or for that matter he just doesn't look healthy.
I'm voting for Thompson, the former Senator and current Law & Order star . . . not the other one.
If I thought he had a fighting chance, I'd vote for Ron Paul. But he won't last the Republican Primary either. Hopefully he doesn't run as an Independent either, and siphon conservative votes away from the Republicans like others have in the past.