Agree but your definition of holiness consists of nothing but subjective rules. Your definition of holiness is to judge others by your subjective definition. Your definition of holiness is shallow and hides real holiness. Your defintiion of holiness is not scriptural. Your definition of holiness is not from God. Your definition of holiness according to Galatians 3 is equated to whitchcraft. Your definition of holiness does not give room for people to work out their own salvation. Your definiton of holiness does not permit personal convictions. Your definition of holiness is based on man made opinions, many which are invalid. Your definition of holiness allows for variances in principle. (tv vs internet)
Holiness is from God. But don't insult our intelligence by insinuating your standards are directly from God. They aren't. They are from an outdated inconsistence view from less than 100 years old.
Originally Posted by Whole Hearted
Holiness standards are from God whether you like it or not.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson
Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado
Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard
Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
Agree but your definition of holiness consists of nothing but subjective rules. Your definition of holiness is to judge others by your subjective definition. Your definition of holiness is shallow and hides real holiness. Your defintiion of holiness is not scriptural. Your definition of holiness is not from God. Your definition of holiness according to Galatians 3 is equated to whitchcraft. Your definition of holiness does not give room for people to work out their own salvation. Your definiton of holiness does not permit personal convictions. Your definition of holiness is based on man made opinions, many which are invalid. Your definition of holiness allows for variances in principle. (tv vs internet)
Holiness is from God. But don't insult our intelligence by insinuating your standards are directly from God. They aren't. They are from an outdated inconsistence view from less than 100 years old.
You sure think you know alot about what I think don't you?
The truth is you really don't know anything about my definition of holiness.
Don't insult my intelligence with your lack of knowledge of the Word of God.
Plus you have several misspelled word in your post.
If you wish to sit and listen to someone like MJ be my guest, but as for me I will stand for the right and will not compromises what I KNOW to be right.
Wow! News from my neck of the woods!! I just have to comment.
Mark Johnston is a phenomenal Man of the Word. He knows his stuff and he would KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF. Hear Him preach if you ever get the opportunity!
I can't believe the criticisms here. If anyone had one ounce of discernment, they'd know MJ is of God.
Shame... shame...
Way to go, friend. Stand up for the man of God in your life...guard your gift.
You'll get mocked by the retreads, but God honors that attitude.
Originally posted by Amos.........
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
You sure think you know alot about what I think don't you?
The truth is you really don't know anything about my definition of holiness.
Don't insult my intelligence with your lack of knowledge of the Word of God.
Plus you have several misspelled word in your post.
If you wish to sit and listen to someone like MJ be my guest, but as for me I will stand for the right and will not compromises what I KNOW to be right.
THIS is what's wrong with your attitude. Your posts reveal that you are of the group spoken of by Jesus as being whited sepulchres full of dead men's bones, my friend. Your only knock against MJ is that he doesn't preach against short sleeves. Just as you stated in another thread on this forum that facial hair is a heaven or hell issue. You have taken things that have no scriptural backing, you've added to the Word by making them salvational issues, and worse yet, you use them as a barometer of how much better you are than the poor hypocrites who do not see things the way you do. This is why I would hate to be in your shoes.
You are speaking against an Apostolic preacher, NOT for preaching the trinity, or preaching universal salvation, but for preaching that sleeve length and skirt length are not the measure of holiness.
Your self righteousness stinks to the high heavens, my friend, and I, for one, desire no further communication.
Oh, and the comment about misspelled words??????? Go back and read most of your posts. That comment right there proves my point - you're focused on the toothpick in someone else's eye, while you have a telephone pole sticking out of yours.
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
You sure think you know alot about what I think don't you?
The truth is you really don't know anything about my definition of holiness.
Don't insult my intelligence with your lack of knowledge of the Word of God. Plus you have several misspelled word in your post.
If you wish to sit and listen to someone like MJ be my guest, but as for me I will stand for the right and will not compromises what I KNOW to be right.
This is the funniest thing I've read here in a long, long time!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Here I am in a hotel traveling to the far backlands of Brazil and you folks are fussing about sleaves when millions or maybe I should say billions set in spiritual night and have never heard the life giving message of Jesus Christ...Isn't our focus a little off?
Most know how I live and have always lived however I am not in any way rebuking anyone but we are ALL christians in our own way. Should we not at least respect each other?
Organizations and attitudes may not always be right but e can take control over our attitude and spirit. We can be an example to those that differ from us.
Pray for our evangelistic team as in just a little while we will be back on the road again. I do not know if I will have internet tonight but if I do and can I will check back with you folks...I am praying for all of you all.
Let's be kind...for love is kind even to those that differ with us.
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
You sure think you know a lot about what I think don't you?
The truth is you really don't know anything about my definition of holiness [besides what I've posted, over and over and over].
Don't insult my intelligence with your lack of knowledge of the Word of God.
Plus, you have several misspelled words in your post.
If you wish to sit and listen to someone like MJ, be my guest, but as for me I will stand for the right and will not compromise what I THINK to be right.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty