Originally Posted by rgcraig
Well, it seems the letter had to be released to others by KH or CW himself.
Now THAT reminds me of somthing! Does anyone here remember Brother Akers from Ada, Oklahoma? He had a newspaper called the Apostolic Trumpet which was highly controversial even inflammatory yet everything the man printed was documented beyond any shadow of a doubt. He did not just reprint letters and documents backing up what ever his current tack was, but he printed the PHOTOCOPIED letters and documents themselves!
Much of that stuff was in the files there at UPC headquarters, and I have always wondered...THERE HAD TO BE SOMEBODY ON THE INSIDE GETTING THAT STUFF, PHOTCOPYING IT AND MAKING SURE HE HAD IT! Did they ever figure out who it was? It was all kind of Watergatish/Deep throat kind of stuff.
I remember people screaming at him there at general conference as he distributed his paper, screaming all kinds of things at him, but did anyone ever consider the veracity of the claims?
Anyway poor guy was already kind of falling apart, everything came unravelled for him years later.
But that takes me back to my question, Did they ever figure out who it was at Headquarters that had to be feeding him those documents?