I thought I posted this before but now I can't find it:
Some scriptures I've seen used by "three steppers"
Acts 2:38, there are three things mentioned here;
repentance, water baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 8, the folks had believed, received the Word, and had been water baptized but had not received a subsequent experience called receiving the Holy Spirit, the Spirit falling upon them, or the Spirit being given.
Acts 10, after the folks were saved and baptized in the Spirit Peter commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord
Acts 19, here again we see water water baptism and the Holy Spirit coming on them
John 3:5, "birth of water" is taught by Roman Catholics, Campbellites, some traditional Protestant denominations and some Apostolics to be water baptism. Birth of Spirit is taught to be what we now call the baptism in the Holy Spirit
1 Cor 6:11, Paul tells the Corinthians they had been washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and and by the Spirit of our God. Many
three-steppers will tell you to stay away from the epistles to find salvation but some see a reference here to water and Spirit baptism.
Titus 3:5 speaks of God saving us "by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." Again, even though this is in an epistle, some see the "washing of regeneration" as water baptism and "renewing of the Holy Ghost" as Holy Ghost Baptism.
Mark 16:16 is taken by some to be a "formula" for salvation.
Belief plus baptism equals salvation (birth of Spirit)
1 Peter 3:21 says, "...baptism doth also now save us..."
Romans 6:17,18 says we used to be the servants of sin but we have "obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine..." and are now made free from sin and became servants of righteousness.
Romans 6 speaks of burial in baptism into death and baptism into Christ's death. It also speaks of our walking in newness of life. Some believe that the death of Christ is ineffective for us until we are baptized in water. Some also teach that just as we do not remain under the water we are to come up out of the water and that is when we receive the Holy Ghost baptism.
Colossians 2:11-13 is taken by some to say that water baptism is spiritual circumcision which is not only the sign of the covenant but it also cuts away our sin.
Gal 3:26-29 is understood by some to say that water baptism puts us into Christ
I Cor 12:13 is understood by some to say that the Holy Ghost Baptism places us into the Body of Christ
Hebrews 5:9 (another epistle scripture so avoided by some) says that God is the author of salvation unto all that obey Him